Will gastric cancer infected with Helicobacter pylori?Pathological expert Wang Chunnian is a famous medical lecture hall

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.06.30

Helicobacter pylori is one of the most infected bacteria in the world. The risk of gastric cancer in the pylori infection of Helicobacter pylori can increase by about 4-6 times compared with normal people.

At 14:30 on June 29th, the deputy chairman of the Pathology Branch of the Ningbo Medical Association and the Gastrointestinal Division of the Ningbo Clinical Pathological Diagnosis Center Wang Chunnian, Wang Chunnian, guests, "The Lecture Hall of Famous Medical Medicine", will share with you how to effectively prevent and screen Helicobacter pylori.

Every two have one person infected this bacteria

Helicobacter pylori, referred to as HP for short, is a spiral bacteria that exists in the stomach and duodenum parts. The bacteria have a strong survivability and can survive in a strong acidic environment. Bacteria. In China, the average infection rate of Helicobacter pylori is about 58%.

So, why is the proportion of infection so high, but many people have not found it?

Director Wang introduced that some patients did not have any symptoms after infection with Helicobacter pylori; some patients could show obvious symptoms, such as upper abdomen discomfort, hidden pain, and pheasant, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, etc. As for those relatively mild symptoms, most people think that they are not good at stomach and poor digestion, so they do not pay attention.

Ningbo people like to eat some raw foods, such as crab crabs and mud snails, is it more likely to be infected with Helicobacter pylori? Director Wang reminded that the content of salt in the pickled food is higher, which is more likely to destroy gastric mucosa barrier and cause pylori to invade. Therefore, everyone should eat less cold, greasy and irritating foods.

How to know if you have been infected with Helicobacter pylori

The detection method of Helicobacter pylori is mainly invasive and non -incompetent:

1. Gastroscopy detection method

After gastroscopy, obtaining gastric mucosa tissue for rapid urea enzyme test or mucosal tissue testing or HP bacterial culture. This method depends on endoscopic examination. In the state, check whether there are diseases such as ulcers, atrophy, polyps, and tumors.

Second, exhalation testing method

This test is the characteristic of the use of Helicobacter pylori with high activity ureases. The subject can be decomposed after taking the urea of ​​13C or 14C marked, and the produced carbon dioxide exhales.

This kind of exhalation test only takes about 30 minutes, so that many hypertension, heart disease, and patients who cannot tolerate gastroscopy have avoided the discomfort of gastroscopy. It is one of the most ideal methods for judging H. pylori. No pain and high accuracy.

However, Director Wang reminded that you need to pay attention before you conduct an exhalation test:

1. Recently, pyloridaine sensitive drugs such as antibiotics, crickets, and proton pump inhibitors may affect the diagnostic results. Disable or disable antibiotics, crickets and acidic drugs within 4 weeks before the examination, and stop using PPI inhibitors in the first two weeks.

2. Acute bleeding on the upper digestive tract can inhibit the Helicobacter pylori, so the detection should be performed after the digestive bleeding is stopped for one week.

3. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid this examination.

Will gastric cancer be infected with Helicobacter pylori?

Helicobacter pylori is a type of carcinogenic origin of gastric cancer. It has strong survivability and can also cause ulcers of gastric and duodenum. Therefore, many people's first impression of it is to "cause gastric cancer". After the physical examination, the pylori was positive, and it was inevitable that they could panic.

At present, Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most clear risk factors in gastric cancer. Director Wang introduced a data that found in clinical work that more than 50%of patients with gastric cancer have HP infection. This is because Helicobacter pylori can cause chronic gastritis, erosion gastritis, atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, digestive system tumors and other diseases. For a long time, gastric cancer may also cause gastric cancer.

However, the lesions of gastric cancer are a long process and the result of the common role of many factors. There are also various factors such as low immunity, genetic factors, long -term mental depression, edible pickup food, smoking alcoholic and other factors, and "collaborative crimes" in Helicobacter pylori, which eventually lead to gastric cancer.

How to prevent the infection of Helicobacter pylori?

Director Wang said that Helicobacter pylori is a kind of infectious bacteria that can be transmitted through manure and mouth channels, and can also be infected by hand, water, unclean food or tableware.

In this case, Helicobacter pylori is likely to be "one person found, the whole family recruit". If a family member carrys germs, it is likely to be transmitted to the family by dining. Therefore, Director Wang reminded everyone that if someone in the family members confirmed that there is a pylori infection in the family members, it is best to divide the meals with family members before killing. Other family members should also perform diagnosis and treatment at the same time.

At the same time, pay attention to the sanitary environment at home, try to use public spoons and chopsticks, and try to avoid feeding children to children.

Under the age of 14, a minor will find an infected HP

Do you need treatment?

In this regard, Director Wang said that it is generally not recommended to test the regular Helicobacter pylori in children under the age of 14.

Compared with adults, severe diseases in children with HP infection include low risk of digestive ulcers, atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer;And metronidazole) and low tolerance to adverse reactions.In addition, children's HP infection has a certain spontaneous removal rate, and the infection rate may be higher than adults after eradication.Therefore, it is not recommended to test HP routinely for children under the age of 14.Reporter Shi Yiqiu

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