Huangdao District was detected yesterday 184357 people. The rest except for the positive cases discovered during the centralized isolation control period were negative.

Author:Volkswagen West Coast Time:2022.07.03

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Sun Jing Geng Xiaoyue Qingdao Report

This morning, the reporter learned from the epidemic prevention and control press conference held by Huangdao District that since the epidemic occurred, under the unified command of the city and district epidemic disposal, the two levels of the urban area were coordinated and coordinated. Carry out the treatment of epidemic conditions to ensure that the prevention and control of the epidemic is implemented.

Changes in the pathogen

From 0:00 on July 2nd to 24:00, 4 cases of confirmed cases (light types) and 10 symptoms of infections of the soil were added in Huangdao District, all of which were detected during the centralized isolation management and control period. There are two other natives who areolated observations in designated hospitals to be confirmed (light).

The newly -added infected persons are concentrated isolation personnel. After judging by the expert group, the risk of this epidemic is generally controllable, and the risk of social communication is basically excluded.

Work progress

(1) Medical treatment situation

As of 24:00 on July 2nd, there were a total of 31 local positive cases in Huangdao District, including 11 local diagnosis cases, all of which were mild; 20 cases of natives were not infected, and they were currently undergoing quarantine treatment or isolation medical observation in designated hospitals. Essence

The designated hospital adheres to the "one person, one case", "one person, one policy", and for accurately formulate an individualized diagnosis and treatment plan for patients in the hospital, and conduct symptomatic treatment. At present, all patients in the hospital are stable.

(2) Nucleic acid detection situation

Continue to organize the inspection personnel and willing inspection personnel to test the nucleic acid test. From 0:00 on July 2 to 24, the entire district testing a total of 18,4357 people. Except for the positive cases found during the nucleic acid detection during the centralized isolation management and control period, the rest of the personnel were found. Nucleic acid test results are negative.

(3) Cold chain management status

The cold chain enterprises in the region carry out supervision and inspection, and resolutely suspend business and rectifying the cold chain enterprises with insufficient prevention and control measures and incomplete hidden danger investigation and rectification. Strengthen the standardized management of the cold chain practitioners, strictly implement the provisions of the "three concentrations and one isolation" of front -line employees, and strictly standardize job operations. Strengthen the education and training of the cold chain practitioners, guide the cold chain practitioners to do self -protection and standardized operations, and effectively block the spread of virus.

Next work measure

Huangdao District will strictly implement the relevant regulations of the national, provincial, and municipal epidemic conditions, and focus on the following work: First, continue to do patient treatment to ensure effective treatment of patients; second, comprehensively implement the local, departments, units, individual epidemic prevention prevention epidemic prevention prevention epidemic prevention prevention Responsibilities, strengthen the control of imported cold chain goods, and do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic situation in key places; the third is to continue to organize the inspection personnel and the inspection personnel to inspect the inspection personnel in the jurisdiction.

In the next step, Huangdao District will resolutely implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee's "epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and develop safely". Measures, coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development.

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