Fast!The 40 -year -old man restarts free breathing less than 24 hours after changing his lungs

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.07.04

Wuhan Evening News (correspondent Zou Yaqin) "Do you, what is my current blood oxygen? What is oxygen flow?" After removing ECMO and ventilator in less than 24 hours, he could speak and immediately threw a series of professional questions to the doctor.

"Blood oxygen saturation is 100%! Temporarily high flow (absorbing oxygen), we adjust at any time according to the recovery situation." After getting the doctor's affirmative answer, Mr. Wang's locking eyebrows finally stretched. On July 4, he transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward of the thoracic surgery and conducted the next rehabilitation treatment.

Mr. Wang was only 40 years old, but unfortunately suffered from bronchial dilatation, pulmonary fibrosis, and emphysema for many years. A variety of lesions have changed in double lungs, causing their lung tissue to have almost no respiratory function. In the past five years, he can only take oxygen at home every day. His body continued to consume his body for a long time. He was 175 cm tall and he lost to only 45 kg.

In the past two years, Mr. Wang has undergone the thoracic diversion and lung blister due to pneumothorax attacks. But hypoxia symptoms are still increasing.

Long -term illness torture and medical experience have made Mr. Wang realize that only the road of lung transplantation is only to survive. Earlier this year, he came to Professor Geng Qing at the Department of Chest of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University for help. On April 1, after the assessment of lung transplantation in thoracic surgery was completed, Mr. Wang was successfully registered in the distribution and shared computer system in Chinese human organs, becoming a member of the lung transplant waiting.

On the evening of June 30, information came from the terminal distribution and shared computer system of Chinese human organs: a lung donated by a brain -killed patient was successfully matched with Mr. Wang.

On the morning of July 1st, the Department of Critical Medicine of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University Ⅰ Installing the outer membrane of oxygen (ECMO) system for Mr. Wang, temporarily replaced his breathing function. Professor Geng Qing of the thoracic surgery led Jiang Wenyang and Zhang Xinghua to form a lung transplant team. Under the escort of the anesthesia team to implement the two -cavity tracheal intubation, they performed double lung transplant surgery for Mr. Wang. This thrilling lung transplantation surgery was successfully completed after nearly 10 hours. After the operation, Mr. Wang was sent to the intensive care unit to continue treatment.

At 9 am on July 2nd, after inspection and evaluation, the new lungs were operating normally in Mr. Wang, which was enough to maintain his demand for oxygen. At 3 pm, after the evaluation again, the ventilator was successfully removed, and Mr. Wang returned to his normal breathing.

After the operation, Mr. Wang recovered well.

Mr. Wang, who has enjoyed normal breathing for the first time for many years, can't help but ask the doctor for the first time: "What is my current blood oxygen saturation? What is the oxygen flow?" Know the importance of these two indicators. After learning that he was normal, he quickly sent a selfie video for mothers and brothers who were waiting for the intensive care outside. They told them that they felt good after changing their lungs. I hope they should not worry.

Geng Qing introduced that lung transplantation surgery is the only way to treat chronic terminal lung disease. At the same time, it is also accompanied by high risk and difficulty in surgery. Since the lung transplantation surgery of Wuhan University People's Hospital (Hubei Provincial People's Hospital) thoracic surgery, it has successfully performed lung transplant surgery for dozens of patients with chronic end -stage pulmonary disease.

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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