At the end of the middle school entrance examination, experts have psychological guidance recipes

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.07.05

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Wang Ke

At the end of the annual recruitment exam, the pressure of candidates was released instantly, and the parents also turned from the hard accompanying exam. Recently, the reporter learned from several medical institutions that the psychological problems after the exam followed, and many candidates showed to varying degrees. What are the psychological problems of candidates after the exam? How should we adjust? Wei Haiyan, an expert in the youth psychological and mental disorders of our city, opened a psychological guidance for the students.

It is understood that the common psychological problems after the test include the following:

Indulgence. Some students think that the end of the exam means that the bitter days are booming. Do n’t get up early or do questions. It feels particularly relaxed. I want to make up what I did n’t have to do before, such as gathering with teachers and classmates Games, etc., develop a bad habit of going to sleep late and upside down, day and night.

Anxiety psychology. In fact, anxiety -type psychology is also more common after the test. Many candidates will suffer from losses after the test. Some candidates have high expectations of themselves and become anxious due to uncertainty. This anxiety will continue to aggravate some candidates, such as from anxiety to insomnia, and then from insomnia to depression.

Depression. After the Zhongzhao Examination, some candidates still couldn't get out of nervous and anxious emotions. They showed that they could not eat well, sleep well, mood low, and did not want to contact relatives.

Confused psychology. Many students think that after the exam, I can have time to do what I want to do but have no time to do. However Essence

So, how should we adjust?

As a student, pay attention to rest. Candidates have experienced the anxiety and psychological fatigue before the test, and they are under pressure from families and schools. They are highly tense and tired. At this stage, they must make up more and rest. Second, we must arrange entertainment time reasonably. Candidates can formulate an event plan, increase entertainment step by step, arrange entertainment time reasonably, and enrich the content of the event, such as listening to music, sports, playing games, reading books, etc. Third, we must express feelings and release emotions. The exam has ended, and it has been unable to recover. You can try to change your emotional feelings. When you are sad, you can find your parents or friends and release your emotions. Fourth, we must learn to accept and be brave. Accept your own efforts, stop blame yourself, and affirm our efforts in time. No matter what the test is, we have made our own efforts throughout the third day of the third day. Embrace.

At the end of the middle school entrance examination, most parents will be anxious, especially before the results come out. At this time, parents can learn about the information of the high school in a timely manner with their children and the requirements for new students, prepare for the connection of the junior high school, respect the children's wishes, and make the children's most solid backing. As a parent, to create a harmonious and loose family atmosphere, since the results have become a foregone conclusion, do not complain about children and guide children to plan their future life.

After the score comes out, we must encourage the students who have good exams and must be sure of his efforts. For the normal players, parents should also encourage and affirm the good aspects of the children. Sincerely, parents can make high requirements for their children, but at the same time listen to the child's voice. For students who do not take good exams, this must be the most sad person at this time. Parents must first comfort themselves, allow their children to release their emotions and help children face reality. Parents should also deal with their emotions to avoid misunderstandings to their children.

In the end, Wei Haiyan said that this year's children are difficult. After three years of epidemic, after a long -term home study, parents must calm down their mentality and accept them frankly, allowing children to release the backlog of backlog.

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