The specifications are based, and the accuracy is directed. Professor Zhang Suzhan talks about the new concept of the entire management of colorectal cancer.

Author:Cancer Channel of the Medical Time:2022.07.06

*For medical professionals for reading reference

The year after five years, as always, speaking academics. On July 30, 2022 (Saturday), the sixth session of the Lili Lili China Gastroenterology Tumor Summit Forum is about to strike. Since the first session of the Summit Forum in 2017, it has been successfully held for five sessions. With high -quality academic content and the style close to clinical practice, it has become an academic ceremony that has attracted much attention in the field of digestive tumors. Here, the medical community invites you to participate in this conference!

The main theme of this year's peak forum is "the forefront of smart gathering, unlimited future", focusing on the four themes of "specifications, precision, infinite, care". Professor Xu Ruihua and Professor Zhang Suzhan, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College, as the chairman of the conference, gathered well -known experts in the field of digestive tumors in China, and discussed the focus of colorectal cancer in multi -directional and multi -perspectives. Difficulties and hotspots, communication experience, collision thinking, and jointly help the development of Chinese gastrointestinal tumor diagnosis and treatment. At that time, well -known experts in the field of digestive tract gathered offline, the cloud meets, multi -platform broadcasts are broadcast simultaneously, wonderful, not to be missed! Please share the audiovisual academic feast.

In this issue of the medical community invited one of the chairman of the conference, Professor Zhang Suzhan from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College of Medical College talked about the new concept of colorectal cancer.

Expert Introduction

Professor Zhang Suzhan

Chief physician and doctoral supervisor of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College

Director of Zhejiang University Cancer Research Institute

Currently chairman

Executive Director of China Anti -Cancer Association

Former Chairman of the National E. colorectal Cancer Professional Committee

Standing Committee Member of the Chinese Medical Association Tumor Branch

National Health and Family Planning Commission for Early Treatment of Early Treatment of Early Treatment of Early Treatment of Early Treatment

Long -term research and treatment of colorectal cancer for a long time. He has won the 1993 Parker Chinese Doctor Annual Award. Participate in the national "June Five", "Seventy Five", "Eighth Five -Year", "Ninth Five -Year" colorectal cancer research topics, and chaired the "Eleventh Five -Year Plan" National Science and Technology Support Program, 2 "863" topics and a number of national natural sciences. Fund projects, key provincial topics and provincial and ministerial topics. Published more than 100 papers, including 30 SCI papers. He has won the second prize of national science and technology progress, the first and second prizes of provincial science and technology progress.

Professor Zhang Suzhan: With the progress of targeted therapy and immunotherapy, the drugs that can be selected for advanced colorectal cancer are becoming increasingly abundant. How to carry out individualized therapy and do a good job of full management has become a topic of attention clinically.

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