[Health and Health] Today, Xiaoshu, hot and humid heat!These rules before entering are enough ~

Author:State Administration of Tradit Time:2022.07.07

Content source: Health Health China WeChat

"Small summer heat, steam and cook", Xiaoshu solar term is the hottest weather in the year, and it is also the most vigorous season in nature.

The ancients believed that in the hot summer, the yin was forced to hide under the ground by the yang, so there were Fu Tianzhi.

And this year's San Futian is about to come on July 16th!

Key points for Xiaoshu Health


Don't sleep too little

In summer, people must follow climate change. The best state should be to get up late and get up late.

However, at this time, because of the relatively insufficient sleep time at night, and the hot weather, people often feel uncomfortable and frequent in the afternoon.

Therefore, you may wish to have a nap of about 30 minutes every day in the summer.

Although the time is short, it helps improve the function of the blood supply system in the brain, enhance physical strength, and eliminate fatigue.


Don't wear too little

The first feeling of the summer is hot, and the heat is easy to be greedy.

I often work in an environment with air -conditioning. Although there are fewer patients with heat stroke, the number of people who have been cold have increased.

Therefore, Xiaoshu solar term must be appropriate to avoid direct air conditioning, and when you open the air -conditioning room, you need to wear a shawl outside.

Even if we need to go out when we are hot, we cannot wear too little.

Because when the temperature is close or exceeds 37 ° C, shirtlessness will weaken the heat dissipation function of the skin. Instead, wearing sweat -absorbent clothes can block the sun exposure and make the body feel lower.


Don't eat too well

The sun is like a fire, and in the three volts that are soaring in temperature, the diet should be light.

The light diet is not only vegetarian, but to be matched with vegetarian and vegetarian. You can eat duck meat, catfish, lean meat, coix seed, white fungus, mushrooms, etc.

In addition, you can eat more watermelon, gourd, loofah, and winter melon. Usually, you can also use lotus seeds, coriander, lotus leaves, red beans, white lentils, coix seeds and other soups or porridge. It has the effect of dampness and is suitable for summer.

It should be noted that at this time, the human body is floating outside, and the spleen and stomach yang weakens. It is also a period of high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. You can choose cold ingredients in the heat of the heat, but try to eat less iced food.


Don't sweat too much about exercise

The summer heat is injured, so the intensity of exercise in summer should be appropriately reduced, and the amount of activity should be appropriately reduced.

Generally speaking, the daily exercise time is suitable for 30 ~ 60 minutes, and you need to do more slow -paced aerobic exercise. After exercise, pay attention to replenishing water and salt to avoid increasing blood viscosity due to excessive sweating, thereby inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In the summer, it is best to perform indoor exercises, or go out to move out in the morning and evening temperatures. Do not exercise in the sun to avoid heat stroke.

Especially for people with hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, choosing evening exercise is the safer.


Wet water and humidity

After entering, there are more and more weather in thunderstorms, and the summer wet coexistence. At this time, there are more rainy days, and it is easy to feel wet evil.

Therefore, when the weather is better, you can dry the clothes stored in the cabinet and expose it outside to remove the tide and get wet.

In addition, due to the high temperature and high humidity, the open -air wooden seats have more moisture -containing water. Although the surface seems to be dry, it will emit humidity out of the outside. Sit on it at will.

Xiaoshuqi, hydrating and lowering fire


Drink more water

After entering the summer, the weather is hot and hot, pay attention to drinking more water. In addition, we can also drink some black sugar three beans to drink heat, get rid of dampness, and prevent fire.

Method: Take 20 grams each of black beans, red beans, mung beans, 5 ~ 10 medicinal black plums, 2 spoons of white sugar, add water to flood the beans three knots, and boil for 1.5 to 2 hours with a casserole.

After cooking, you can drink it as a drink, but beans should be eaten less to prevent flatulence.

Note: stool, dazzling, daily rows, daily rows, poor digestion, abdominal distension and abdominal pain, thick tongue coating, not suitable for taking San Dou drink when cold cold. 2


In addition to drinking water, there are three "spring eyes" on our bodies. They often press and knead, which also has the effect of nourishing yin and lowering fire.

Too sweating too much to knead the spring spring

Normal sweating can heat the heat, and too much sweat will hurt the yin, and the more yin injury is prone to the symptoms of yin deficiency and fire.

Yongquan acupoint is located at the front of the front of the feet (not to the toes) and the connection on both sides of the feet.

Put your thumb on the acupoint and rub with strong strength 20 to 30 times.

Permanently rub the polar springs

In hot summer, many people will feel hot and more emotional. At this time, you might as well massage your own polar springs.

The arms cross the chest, press the opposite armpit with both hands, massage and pinch with your fingers, and press for about 3 minutes each time. Then, raise your left hand, pat the left axillary with your right hand, then raise your right hand, pat the right axillary with your left hand, beat 30 to 50 times each, and repeatedly operate 5 times.

Spleen deficiency and wet rubbing Yin Lingquan

The spleen itself is transported and wet. If the spleen is obstructed, the excess water in the body cannot be transported out. Yinlingquan is the foot Taiyin spleen meridian.

Yinlingquan is located in the inside of the calf, and the depression below the inside of the tibial bone. Pressing this point can promote the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, and prevent the occurrence of summer digestive diseases.

Edit: Dong Juntong

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