China release 丨 National Health and Health Commission: Omikon BA.5 Asian branch has triggered a serious and complicated situation of local aggregate epidemic prevention and control in my country

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.07.08

China Net, July 8 (Reporter Wu Jiazhen) The State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference on the relevant situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic on the 8th. Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department, said that at present, the global epidemic has continued to rebound, and the pressure on foreign defense input is increasing. Omikon BA.5 Asian branches are becoming the major epidemic strains in the world, and it has triggered a local clustering epidemic in my country, and the situation of preventing and control is severe and complicated. Bleak

On July 8, the State Council joint control mechanism held a press conference. Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department, introduced the relevant situation. China Network Yang Jia Photo

Mi Feng emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the overall strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearing zero", strictly implement the requirements of the ninth edition prevention and control plan, and strictly enter the measures of external prevention and input. High -risk personnel at the port have closed -loop management to achieve a list of personnel, management systems, inspections, and guarantee measures; do a good job of risk prevention of immigration, isolation and control of entry personnel, and prevention and control of the port cities.

In areas where the epidemic occurs, it is necessary to discover and deal with it early, take scientific and strict control measures, and resolutely control the spread of the epidemic. We must continue to implement the requirements of the "Nine Inconsistent", always tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, resolutely overcome the two tendencies of preventing and controlling relaxation and "layer of layers", work hard on science, accuracy, and efficiency, and effectively protect the interests of the people.

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