Seriously fatal!Itchy nose?Frequent sleepiness?You may be recruited →

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.08

Diarrhea when you eat seafood?

Often nose itching, and still flowing nose? Is there dark circles? Frequent sleepiness? You are likely to be allergic!

Today (July 8) is World Allergic Disease Day

Let's find out "allergies"

Allergies have become the sixth largest slow disease in the world. According to the World Metropolis Reaction (WAO) statistics, the incidence of allergic diseases has increased by at least 3 times in the past 30 years. Due to allergies

What are the common allergens?

Allergens are antigen that causes allergies. Air, food, beverages, drugs, and daily necessities have their traces, almost everywhere.

Allergens can be divided into four categories:

First, inhale allergens, such as pollen, catkins, dust, insect mites, etc.;

Second, food -integrated allergens, such as seafood, fish and shrimp, dairy products, alcohol, etc.;

The third is contact allergen, such as cosmetics, hair dyes, radiation, bacteria, mold, etc.;

Fourth, other types of allergens, such as penicillin, chaincin, and heterogeneous serum.

People with allergies should be careful no matter where they go, what they eat, and what they do. Because of a little carelessness, symptoms such as skin redness, redness and swelling of the eyes, itching and itching, sneezing, dyspnea, asthma and other symptoms, severe cases will endanger life.

7 kinds of allergic symptoms are the easiest to be ignored

1. For a long nasal congestion, there is a "咻" sound when breathing

The nasal congestion caused by a cold is usually good for a week. If it lasts too long, it is likely to be caused by allergies.

2. Dark circles

Dark circles have a certain relationship with the severity of allergies. Studies have found that 67%of children with allergic rhinitis have dark circles, and the pockets are darker in color and large area.

3. Frequent sleepiness

It is easy to be sleepy during the day. If it is not caused by lack of sleep, you must be vigilant if it is allergic.

4. The eyes are red, swollen, itchy

If the eyes are itchy, the use of anti -inflammatory eye drops will not only worsen but not only do it, but then be alert to allergic conjunctivitis.

5. Children have poor appetite and do not increase weight

Aoretseng, irritability, fatigue, repeated vomiting, and long -term diarrhea, such children may be food allergies. It is recommended to go to the hospital for food allergens as soon as possible.

6. Frequent nose itching

If you enter and exit the air -conditioned room or the temperature difference between the morning and evening, the nose itching is unbearable, and the nose is clear. Sometimes it is necessary to consider allergies.

7. After eating fruit and vegetable mouth, itchy and itchy

Patients who are allergic to fruits and vegetables usually experience symptoms such as lip edema, rash, peeling, itching of the skin, numbness of the tongue, or itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and other like rhinitis.

5 misunderstandings about allergies

1. Children will not be allergic to increase age

Children's food allergies may be more than 10 times that of adults. Children's allergies will gradually decrease with the growth of milk, eggs, wheat and soy products; but allergies for nuts, fish and shellfish may be permanent.

2. Allergies will not threaten life

Allergies can be fatal. Some allergies can cause allergic shock. This reaction generally occurs suddenly, manifested as hypotension, swelling in the tongue and throat, and difficulty breathing.

3. Allergies to pets are allergic to pet hair

10-15%of people are allergic to pets, but they are not caused by pet hair. Allergen is a protein produced by animal hair, urine and saliva.

4. Shellfish allergies are caused by iodine

People who are allergic to fish and shellfish dare not take iodine -containing drugs, but there is no connection between the two. The allergenicity of seafood is caused by its protein.

5. Natural or organic foods will not cause allergies

Many of the foods that are easy to cause allergies are natural, such as milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, fish, shellfish and nuts, mainly due to their protein.

(Source: 37 degrees 丨 Yangtze Health Financial Media Comprehensive Figures from the People's Daily, CCTV News: Ma Jingjing organized: Yu Lina)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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