Inoculate into the community, convenient for the elderly!Haidian new crown vaccination exceeds 9.9 million doses!

Author:Beijing Haidian Time:2022.07.09

"Don't take a bath within 24 hours, don't drink within 48 hours, don't eat spicy stimuli, seafood and other foods. Try not to lift heavy objects as much as possible.

On the afternoon of July 8, the Beihang Community of Huayuan Road Street opened a special vaccination session in the community neighborhood committee. At the vaccination site, the volunteers measured blood pressure for the elderly preparing for vaccination and helped everyone register information. "There are more elderly people in our community. Doctors come here to start a special session. I think it's great and very convenient!" Teacher Tian on the 110th floor of the family in the community told reporters.

After the vaccination, the community workers also sent the residents to the residents to cool down the "small gift package" in summer cooling and epidemic prevention, including mosquito anti -itching agents, alcohol disinfection, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, wind oil essence, etc.

It is understood that the Beihang Community is a typical courtyard and community, with a high degree of aging. "There are more than 4,600 elderly people over the age of 60 in our community, and more than 1,500 elderly people over 80 years old. With the support of Huayuan Road Street, we actively connect with community hospitals. This is the sixth time we have set up vaccine vaccinations." Liu Tonghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beihang Community and Director of the Residence Committee, introduced to reporters.

During the interview, the reporter learned that before the vaccination was specially mobilized, the community mobilized it. On the same day, there were volunteers to promote it in the residential area.

Put on the red vest, ride an electric tricycle, and get a horn. Volunteer Liu Jinling carries his teammate Wu Shuhua to broadcast special in the community. Each of the two volunteers go around each building, and each road walks once to ensure that the residents hear and know the vaccination message.

"In the past, each building was notified. The community has WeChat groups, and we will also send messages in the group. However, some elderly residents are not in the group because there are no mobile phones. Now, we have notified the posts and group information. In addition to the broadcast to ensure that everyone receives the news. "Liu Jinling said:" Vaccine vaccination is an effective means to improve immunity. Multi -residents participate in vaccination. "

It is understood that Liu Jinling, 65, is the head of the Blue Messenger Volunteer Team of Beihang Community who participated in the vaccination guarantee. In addition to promoting vaccination, Liu Jinling also used an electric tricycle to pick up the elderly to the vaccination point: "I want to take vaccination at home to vaccinate But the elderly who are inconvenient to move, we are also obliged to pick up and drop off to help everyone successfully vaccinate. "

The health of the elderly in the guardian area

Haixian streets and towns are continuously improved

New crown vaccination service level

Establish a new crown vaccine vaccination point

Open vaccination special session

Drive the flow vaccine inoculating vehicle into the community

The "last mile" of the vaccine vaccination

▲ Zhongguancun Street Sea Middle Market New Crown Vaccine Vaccine Inoculation Point Live

▲ College Road Street Beijing Language University Community vaccine vaccination special session

▲ Qinghe Street vaccination car entered Zhufang community vaccination

Yu Peili, the leader of the information team of the new crown vaccination special class in Haidian District, introduced to reporters: "The new crown vaccination special class in Haidian District will further strengthen the vaccination organization and service of vaccination to build an epidemic prevention barrier."

According to data from the new crown vaccination class in Haidian District:

As of 12:00 on July 9th, the new crown vaccine in Haidian District was vaccinated with a total of 9900352 doses, the first dose was 3746942 doses, the second dose was 3660709 doses, and the third dose was 2492701 doses. Among them, the first in vaccination rate of the elderly over 60 years old reached 82.12%.

Reporter: Wang Yanjie

Edit: Zhang Bin

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