Fox Doctor | How does cholera spread?

Author:Sohu Health Time:2022.07.11

Produced | Sohu Health

Author | Wu Shinan

Edit | Yuan Yue

On July 10th, there were cholera cases in Wuhan University in Wuhan University##Wuhan University conducted unified anal swab detection#and other related topics and other related topics, including hot search, received great attention.

According to the news of Tianmu, the Wuhan Wuchang District Health Commission responded on the 10th that there are already disease -control personnel who have carried out work and have not been clear whether it is cholera.

On the same day, Wuhan University Hospital issued the "Repair on Strengthening the Prevention of Summer Infectious Diseases in Summer", which: Summer is a high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases. The school hospital clinic conducted a pre -examination and division, information registration, and the staff guided to go to the Central South Hospital to send a popular kidney clinic in time.

The reason why it has received so much is because cholera is listed as a category A infectious disease in my country. It has strong infectious infectiousness, high mortality, and prone to major epistemology.

What are the symptoms of cholera? How can we prevent cholera in life? Sohu Health combines the information of the official website of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, and sort out as follows.

What is cholera?

The cholera is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by the O1 group or O139 group cholera. It has the characteristics of urgency, rapid spread, and wide range. It is also one of the three infectious diseases of international quarantine.

What are the symptoms after infection?

In most cases, infection only causes mild diarrhea or has no symptoms at all. Typical symptoms are strenuous painless water -like diarrhea, and severe diarrhea a day. After infection, if the treatment is not timely or inappropriate, it will cause severe dehydration and cause death.

Who is easy to infect cholera?

The crowd is generally susceptible, and the lack of stomach acid is particularly susceptible.

When is it easy to have cholera?

The popular time in my country is from March to November, and the peak is popular in June to September.

What is the incubation and infection period of cholera?

The incubation period is several hours to 5 days, usually 2 to 3 days. Positive period is contagious, usually a few days after recovery. Occasionally, the infectious period of the carrier lasted for several months. Antibacterial drugs effective for cholera can shorten the infectious period.

How to find yourself infection with cholera?

There are diarrhea symptoms, especially severe painless water -like diarrhea. You should go to the hospital immediately and do the cultivation examination of cholera. Those who eat with cholera infected or close contact should also collect feces or anal wipes to determine whether the infection. In the choice area or recently, I have been to the cholera epidemic area and diarrhea occurs. You should go to the hospital in time and leave feces for cholera bacterial examination.

How does cholera spread?

Choib can be transmitted by drinking or consumption of water or food that is contaminated by the water or food and contact patients, and the contaminated by the fungus, and the food contaminated by flies.

How does the public prevent cholera?

The way to prevent cholera is relatively simple. Mainly "take a good mouth" to prevent the disease from the mouth. Do five five.

Fifth essence: You should wash your hands before meals. When you buy it back to the seafood, you need to cook it.

Fifth, do n’t drink it without cooking, do n’t take care of the unlicensed catering. Do n’t eat rotten food. Do n’t drink overeating. Do n’t touch it.

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