Doctor reminds: Don't follow the trend blindly!

Author:Chongqing Satellite TV Time:2022.06.14

Recently, many hospitals' ophthalmology clinics have become "lively". Many of them are candidates who have just taken the college entrance examination. Many parents want their children to perform surgery and say goodbye to myopia. However, ophthalmologists reminded that there are many taboos in myopia surgery, and don't blindly follow the trend. not


Outpatient and surgical volume rose

Strict inspection and evaluation must be checked before surgery


Every year, with the end of the college entrance examination, the refractive clinic will enter a relatively busy state, and the outpatient volume will be about 5-10 times the usual usual. The reason why some college entrance examinations want to do myopia correction is mainly to apply for relevant institutions.


However, doctors are generally cautious about whether patients can surgery. Whether you can perform surgery and which surgery can be performed, you need to pass a series of strict preoperative examinations and evaluations to determine.


Xue Jinsong, deputy dean of Nanjing's ophthalmology hospital, said: "According to the number of refractives, corneal thickness, it is necessary to measure eye pressure, bottom of the eye, and cornea to eliminate some congenital corneal diseases. There are no systemic diseases, and it is necessary to exclude a whole set of about 20 inspections. "


Even children who meet the conditions of surgery have many precautions, such as stopping contact lenses before surgery, so that the cornea can fully restore the original form and prevent errors from corner measurement. Pay attention to hygiene after surgery, and use medicine for medicine.


Be careful when selecting surgery

It is important to do myopia prevention usually

At present, mainstream myopia correction surgery is mainly divided into two types: corneal refractive surgery and crystal refractive surgery. Crystal refractive surgery is mainly suitable for patients with deeper myopia and accompanied by astigmatism. In popular terms, it is a small mouth on the eyes to put the small artificial crystal in and achieve the purpose of myopia correction.


Xue Jinsong said: "Corneal refractive surgery is the lack of surface layer. Our is called TPRK surgery. The second is a personalized femtosecond Lasik surgery. The third is full femtosecond laser surgery. Each surgery has it. Indications, according to the different patients, choose the best surgical method, such as the patient's degree is relatively low, and often exercise, then we choose surface laser surgery. "


Doctors remind that parents and children must not blindly follow the trend to perform myopia. It is important to do myopia prevention in normal times. In addition to reducing close -range fatigue and use of electronic products, parents should bring more children for outdoor activities. Look at green plants.


Children's myopia

These factors cannot be ignored

Rather than wait for the college entrance examination to "pick mirrors" through surgery, it is better to prevent it. However, some parents have found that they usually pay attention to managing their children's eye distance and eye time, but they will also be myopia. So in daily life, what other factors that cause children's myopia are easy to be ignored?

"Jiangsu Disease Control" introduction, in addition to the influence of genetic factors, long -term and close eyes, the eyes are not relaxed for a long time, which is the main factor that causes myopia. In addition, insufficient lighting, too small reading fonts, poor posture, etc. can cause myopia. In addition, too much use of electronic products will also compress outdoor activities. Parents must let their children learn to control themselves.

Source: Xinhuanet, Jiangsu News

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