Change!It's about National Medical Insurance this year

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.14

On June 13, the State Medical Insurance Bureau issued an announcement that the "Metal Program for Adjustment of National Basic Medical Insurance, Work Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogs in 2022" and related documents publicly solicited opinions from the society.

Compared with 2021, the "Work Plan" has maintained overall stability, while improving the scope of application, access rules, and review procedures. This year, on the basis of continuing to support the treatment of new crown virus pneumonia and innovative drugs, it fully reflects the attention of rare disease treatment drugs and children's medication. "Pharmaceuticals that have been approved for listing before June 30, 2022 and are included in the list of children's drugs that encouraged R & D declarers" are clearly included in the application conditions, and the level of drug guarantee in the relevant population is expected to further improve. In addition, this year's catalog also proposed the rules of non -exclusive drug access for the first time, which increased the publicity process of the application results, and improved the expert review process. Generally speaking, this year's medical insurance drug catalog adjustment is in the direction of science, standardization, fairness, and transparent direction this year. Take another solid step.

It is reported that the next step will officially start the adjustment of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalog of 2022.

Source: CCTV News

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