Many lung cancer comes out!Doctor: These 4 types of people have to check regularly

Author:Science popularization China Time:2022.07.13

In life, there are too many people who don't care, and always think that cough is a small problem, so they "drag" lung cancer.

Four abnormalities must be alert to lung cancer. Be sure to go to the hospital in time, especially high -risk people.

1. Long -term cough, dry cough, and even blood cough

Most patients with lung cancer have the first symptoms of cough. Unlike ordinary colds, cough caused by lung cancer belongs to irritating cough, often without sputum or only a small amount of white sticky sputum, and some patients also have hemoptysis.

The duration is longer, and coughs for more than 3 weeks need to be vigilant and may be lung cancer.

2. Hoe hoarse, short chest tightness and shortness of breath

The sound of sound becomes hoarse and tight throat is one of the symptoms of lung cancer. If you wake up in the morning, your chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and feel uncomfortable as hypoxic and uncomfortable. Even if you can slow down for a while, you must be vigilant. This is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer.

3. Pain of shoulders, back, chest, arms

According to statistics, about 50%of patients with lung cancer have symptoms of chest pain or shoulder pain, especially cough and gas short.

4. Fingers are pestle -shaped fingers

The bone joints of patients with primary lung cancer will show joint swelling and pain, and the most common nest -like finger (toe) is the most common, and 10%of patients with lung cancer will appear.

Do not simply think that the pestle finger, joint swelling and pain are rheumatism, and just put some plaster, which will delay the condition.

Common "Schamroth Examination Methods" to help discern the pestle finger. The specific practice of this method is:

1. Paste the nail surface of the same finger (usually the middle finger) of both hands and the back of the end of the finger joints;

2. Observation: Under normal circumstances, the bottom of the two nails forms a diamond -shaped window, and the gap between the rigid fingers is smaller than the normal finger and even no gap. Not only the fingers, the toes may also appear, pay more attention to observe.

If there are these strangeness, you must be vigilant and go to the hospital for further examination, especially the following four types of lung cancer high -risk groups.

These 4 types of people, hurry up and do a screening

Although the inspection of low-dose spiral CT is low, its radiation is still 10-20 times that of ordinary chest slices, and the radiation volume is still relatively large.

For example, 99%of young people in the age of 20 or 30 will not get lung cancer. You let him make a low -dose spiral CT each year, which is a kind of damage. If the high -risk group does once a year, you will have the opportunity to seize some just long. Lung -cancer.

1. Smoking severe smoking, one pack of daily smoking has been smoked for 20 consecutive years, or two packs have been smoked for 10 years per day. Heavy smoking, older age, risk of lung cancer is much higher than others;

2. People with special occupations, such as those who have worked in these polluting mines in asbestos, have the environmental factors on the carcinogenic effects of people, and they are also high -risk groups of lung cancer;

3. People who have had diseases in the lungs, such as lung diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, old slow branch, etc., which leads to bad lung environment and is prone to lung cancer;

4. In the family, in the straightforward relatives, someone has tumors or lung cancer. This is called family gathering.

Therefore, as long as the age is greater than 40, high -risk groups with these 4 conditions, it is recommended to do a low -dose spiral CT examination once a year, then lung cancer can be found early.

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