The Greek Defense Minister visited the United States to seek to join the F-35 project, and the Turkish fighter flew over the Hipgi Island that day

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.20

According to the US "Defense News" website reported on July 20, the Greek Defense Minister Panagoolopolos was visiting the United States this week, and continued to seek the United States to let Athens join the F-35 fighter joint production project of Lockchid Martin And lobby the United States not to sell the F-16 fighter to Turkey.

Picture Source: Report Screenshot

Panagoolopolus said on Tuesday that he had met with US Secretary of Defense Laurde Austin and the director of the F-35 F-35 F-35 of the Pentagon. The possibility. He also revealed that he would visit the company's F-35 fighter production line in Texas Wasburg F-35 fighter production line on Wednesday.

The Greek Defense Director told the "Defense News": "We have told our interest. We sent a letter of application and then we must wait for a period of time to receive the reply. However, in order to seek to quickly join the project, We have done everything to be done. "He also said that joining the project reflected the commitment of Greece and the United States in the field of" defense procurement ".

It is reported that the United States kicked Turkey out of the F-35 joint production project in 2019 because Ankara purchased Russia's S-400 air defense missile system without choosing the American patriot's air defense missile system. In this regard, the reason given by the United States is to worry that the S-400's advanced radar system may allow Russian to monitor stealth fighters.

According to the "Greek City Times" reported on the 20th, on the day of Greek Defense Ministers' expressions, the US Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis and Greek Foreign Minister Nicos Dengdias and Deputy Minister of Defense Nicos · Nikos Hardalias inspected the 115th combat federation of the Greek Air Force base in the Suda Air Force Base in Crete Island. "2022" "Entrusted.

It was also on the same day, Geetha issued a statement that the two Turkish F-16 fighters flew at 10:31 on Tuesday local time at 10:31 in the Aegean Sea. Also known as Radola). The statement stated that the two Turkish aircraft entered the Greek flight intelligence zone (FIR) without submitting a flight plan, with a flight height of 25,000 feet (about 7620 meters). The two aircraft have been intercepted by Greece after being recognized by Greece. Essence

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