The first case of death in Spain reported the first case of death of monkey acne deaths in India

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.08.01

Comprehensive reporter from Xinhua News Agency abroad: According to Indian media reports on July 31, the country's first case of monkey acne death occurred on the 30th. The Spanish Ministry of Health confirmed on July 30 that the country had a second case of monkey acne death.

According to the India Express, a 22 -year -old male patient returned to Karara on July 22. On the 26th, he was admitted to the hospital for fever on the 26th. The later condition was transferred to another hospital for treatment. On the afternoon of the 30th, he died.

Karara State Health Minister George told the local media on July 31 that the patient was admitted to the hospital due to the symptoms of encephalitis and fatigue, and there was no symptoms of monkey acne. Testing, his family did not give the positive test results to the local hospital on the 30th.

According to reports, the local health department has sent the relevant samples to the Indian National Institute of Viruses for testing and waiting for confirmation. Karara will also set up an expert group for investigation.

At present, there are 4 cases of acne cases in India, of which 3 of them are returned to Karalan by the UAE, and the other one is in the capital New Delhi.

According to the Health Department of the Andalusia Autonomous Region in Spain, the second case of Monkey Death in Spain was a 31 -year -old man. The Institute of Karlos III Institute of Health in Spain is currently studying the biological samples of the deceased to further confirm the relationship between his death and virus infection.

Up to now, in this monkey acne epidemic, there have been two deaths in Spain. The Spanish Ministry of Health confirmed on July 29 that the country had the first case of monkey acne death. According to the Spanish Broadcasting and Television Corporation, this is also the first death case in Europe in this monkey acne epidemic.

The Western Ministry of Health warned that Spain has now become "one of the countries that are most affected by monkey acne epidemic in the world." According to the data provided by the Spanish National Popular Disease Monitoring Network on July 29, a total of 4298 cases of acne were diagnosed in the country. There were 120 cases of cases need to be hospitalized. The average age of infected people was 37 years.

The World Health Organization announced on July 23 that the multi -country monkey acne epidemic constitutes "international concerns of emergencies."

Source: Xinhuanet

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