Cases have increased by millions of impact in one week!Japanese media: Kishida considers the new crown alert level

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.02

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] According to the "Japanese" website report, 13,9687 newly added new crown pneumonia diagnosis cases on August 1, of which 21,958 were in Tokyo. A few days ago, the country's new new crown pneumonia had more than 190,000 cases.

On Monday, under the report of the "Japan today" website, a netizen said that this number does not include my Australian friend and her two children. She lives in Japan. I certainly have more similar cases that have not been reported. There are also some netizens who are anxious to leave a message saying that it is time for the government to stop publishing infection data, because it has no benefits except to add more fear and anxiety to the public.

Two reasons

The situation in Japan's domestic new crown pneumonia is still severe. Statistics of WHO show that in the week from July 18th to 24th, there were nearly 970,000 newly confirmed cases in Japan, which is the world's most. In this regard, Fujita, an expert in the Infectious Diseases of Kansai University of Welfare in Japan, said that the reason for the current severe epidemic situation in Japan is that the more infectious Omircor Rong mutant plant BA.5, coupled with the Senate elections, etc. The spread of new coronary pneumonia virus is even worse.

However, Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" reported on August 1 that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong said on July 31 that the state will discuss the level of infectious diseases that reduce new crown pneumonia. The "Japan Times" states that the current alert level of the epidemic disease of new crown pneumonia is currently at a second level. At this level, the national medical institutions must report to the new cases and government departments have the right to ask the public to be isolated. The media speculated that once the government officially announces the lowering level of epidemic prevention, the state will no longer conduct comprehensive tracking and statistics on new cases, and non -designated hospitals can also receive patients with new crown pneumonia. In this regard, the media has interpreted that the Kishida government seems to be prepared for the country to "coexist with the virus".

In fact, since the sixth wave of Japan's epidemic, some local governments have tended to have a "Da Sa". For example, Kanagawa Prefecture no longer requires medical institutions to report to all new cases, and the alert level of the epidemic in many places has also begun to move closer to the fifth level (for example influenza). However, a poll released by Kyodo News on August 1st show that 51.9%of the respondents tend to continue to strengthen epidemic prevention, and 46.2%of the respondents tend to restore economic activities.

Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" published an article on July 30 that although it is necessary to maintain socio -economic activities, if you ignore the infection of the new crown pneumonia virus, it is difficult to establish socio -economic activities itself. Some experts said that Japan is in the seventh wave of the "national outbreak" epidemic. If the situation cannot be relieved within two weeks, then all hospitals will be overcrowded and all economic activities will be disturbed. Don't say "down" at that time, the government may restart a strict travel restriction order.

France ended the "emergency state"

France also appears similar to Japan. According to the French government's official website, from August 1, France will end the "public health emergency state" that lasted more than two years. Minister of Health Blaun said that this means that "health and vaccines will be erased from the daily life of the people."

French International Radio reported that unless the new crown pneumonia virus appears "dangerous new variants", France will no longer require the public to measure acid. However, the new bill still allows the government to check the nucleic acid negative proof of the entryrship, and at the same time allow the government to continue to collect health information such as applications, and the validity period is valid until June 30, 2023.

At present, the seventh wave of the new crown in France is still in the epidemic stage, and the incidence is maintained at a relatively high point. Many French people and professionals are worried that the termination of strict epidemic prevention measures will directly push the epidemic threat. Dozens of medical experts, doctors, and nursing staff issued an open letter in the French "Express" on July 31, "If you do not wear a mask, the risk of infection of nursing staff and patients will increase. The terrible consequences are expected. "

Repeated winter?

The New Zealand Herald reported on August 1 that the country has gradually relaxed the control since February this year. As of August 1, New Zealand has completely lifted the restrictions on entry to facilitate the return of international passengers and international students. Not only that, the country also allows international cruise ships and foreign yachts to stop at various ports. New Zealand Prime Minister Adon said that the full lift and open border are a "major moment" of the country.

The "optimism" attitude of some Western countries has not triggered much resonance in the international community. At the beginning of 2022, the Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai repeatedly warned that the global "epidemic situation has not ended" and is still an internationally concerned public health incident. He pointed out that the risk cognition of the three parties in the medical community, politics, and ordinary people has significantly "disconnected" on the risk of new crown pneumonia. It also emphasized that countries should not relax the anti -epidemic cause. And seek medical treatment in time. In addition, the consulting company McKinsey recently issued a report saying that in the winter of 2022-2023, the northern hemisphere epidemic may increase significantly. In addition, more and more highly spreading new coronary pneumonia mutant viruses will still challenge the world.

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