More than 5,000 members of the American Monkey Cases requested to review the federal government's response measures

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.08.02

American people lined up to vaccine monkey acne vaccines. (Data Map)

Overseas Network, August 2nd. According to the US "Congress" reported on August 1, three US House members recently believed in the U.S. Government Accountability Agency (GAO) to review whether the federal government had sufficient measures to respond to monkey acne epidemic.

In the letter, the three members of the members said that the public health system in the United States was "seriously damaged". The federal government responded to the slow action of monkey acne epidemic. The monkey acne vaccine was approved after several months, and from a Danish factory to the United States.

Members also requested the US Government's accountability bureau to review the U.S. Disease Control and Prevention Center, Food and Drug Administration, and the Ministry of Land and Safety to find out whether these federal institutions have made full preparations for the response to the epidemic of the monkey acne. Lessons for experience.

According to US media, for a few weeks, members of the United States Congress have frequently put pressure on the federal government on the response measures of monkey acne epidemic, calling on the government to announce the emergency state of public health. As of now, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed more than 5,000 cases of acne. Considering that there are still many people who cannot test monkey acne virus, the current number of cases may be underestimated. (Overseas Network/Zhang Ni Internship Compilation/Li Jiangshan)

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