International Relief 丨 The United States will undertake all consequences to destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.08.03

Regardless of China's resolute opposition to the negotiation with solemnity, Perosi, the president of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, visited Taiwan, China on the 2nd. This is a major political provocation that upgrades the official exchanges of the United States and Taiwan, which seriously violates the provisions of a China principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States. It seriously impacts the political foundation of Sino -US relations. Essence It once again shows that some politicians who support the "Taiwan independence" split forces are the biggest destroyers of the Taiwan Strait peace and world peace and stability. China will take all measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The issue of Taiwan is related to China's core interests. In 1943 "Cairo Declaration" and 1945 "Potsdam Announcement" all clearly stated that there was no controversy in the international community's territorial sovereignty in China. The three joint communiqués of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States clearly stipulate that the United States recognizes only one China, Taiwan is part of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government in China. It can be seen that the history of the Taiwan issue is clear and clear, and the facts and status quo of the two sides of the strait are clear. 181 countries around the world have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of one China, indicating that a Chinese principle is a general consensus of the international community.

Since the administration of the United States government this year, he has repeatedly promised to adhere to a Chinese policy and does not support Taiwan's "independence". The U.S. Congress is a component of the US government and should strictly abide by a Chinese policy. Perlis, as the third figure of the US government, is not unclear. However, she eventually took the risk, indicating that she had been stunned by political personal interests, and completely ignored the adventure and provocative behavior to Sino -US relations, regional security, and the huge impact of the United States itself. This made the international community even more clearly: The fundamental reason for the intense and upgrading of the Taiwan Strait is that the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly attempted to "rely on the beauty of the beauty", and some of the United States intend to engage in "Taiwan".

Of course, Perlis's insistence on visiting is not really "caring" in Taiwan, but with clear political purposes. On the one hand, the US midterm elections are approaching, and Pelosi attempts to use challenges to challenge the core interests of China to add points to the Democratic Party of the election. On the other hand, Peross also wants to use this to "add a stroke" to his personal political career.

Under political private interest, the people of Taiwan became the biggest victims. Some Taiwanese netizens criticized: "Pelosi takes the lives of 23 million people in Taiwan as a fire, playing fire on this land in Taiwan, and abominable!" There are also many criticisms in the United States and the international community. The New York Times commented that Pelosi was "extremely reckless, dangerous and irresponsible." When Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong met with Pelosi on the 1st, emphasizing that stable Sino -US relations were important for regional peace and security.

Now, Peross should consider how to explain the serious consequences of this political adventure in the United States. At present, the US inflation is "exploded", and the US leaders have once again expressed their hope to cooperate with China in the field of interests. What is the basis for China and the United States to cooperate with Perliss's trip to challenge China's core interests?

On the other hand, Pelosi's political adventure has led to further upgrading of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, impacting peace and stability in the Asia -Pacific region, and let the world see the true face of the United States to sacrifice others for their own selfishness. On the one hand, the United States promises to adhere to the principle of China. On the one hand, it does not adopt action to prevent the speakers from visiting Taiwan, China; on the one hand, it claims to maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, and on the other hand, it seriously damages China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Such a "dual standard" in such a "dual standard" will only empty the international reputation of the United States and accelerate the decline of American hegemony.

Public opinion cannot be violated, and the general trend is irreversible. Perlis intends to add points to political career by challenging China's core interests, but it turns out that this will become a huge stain in her political career. This time, she could not change Taiwan's historical and legal directors that Taiwan belonged to China, and could not stop China the historical general trend of fulfilling a complete and unified unity. The determination of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is strong. Any forces or anyone who wants to play fire on the issue of Taiwan must be self -immolation!

Source: CCTV News

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