Sleep 45 hours a year per person!Climate change makes you "hot enough to sleep well"

Author:Shell net Time:2022.08.05

It's so hot that it is not good to sleep, it may be the voice of many people.

It was too hot in 2022. In the first half of the year, the "heat wave" became a keyword that appeared frequently.

The southern hemisphere experienced a terrible summer. On January 12, the temperature in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, reached 41.1 ° C, which was the second high temperature in the 115 years. On January 14, Australia's 50.7 ° C temperature appeared in Australia, which may be a high -temperature record in the southern hemisphere.

In June, Isezaki, Japan, recorded a temperature of 40.2 ° C. This is the highest temperature in Japan since 1875.

In June, the Death Valley of the United States even recorded the temperature of 54 ° C.

Everyone is hot | daventrian/twitter

In July, the heat wave swept Europe. The temperature of more places exceeds 40 ° C. High temperatures caused a lot of mountain fires, and countries such as France, Greece, Portugal and Spain were seriously affected.

On July 14, Portugal recorded 47.0 ° C of the high temperature record.

On July 16, Britain issued a red extreme high -temperature warning and announced that it was a national emergency.

A few days ago, the news of "Northern Circles wearing short -sleeved" rushed to the hot search. The Greenland Island of Green and Snow was 32.5 ° C all year round.

In China, the heat waves have appeared in various places since June. High -temperature alerts are continuously issued in various places.

Judging from the highest temperature in the country released nearly 30 days, many places have experienced extreme high temperatures above 40 ° C. | Central Meteorological Observatory

There are more and more heat waves caused by climate change. Do you sleep well in such a hot day?

Sleep 45 hours a year, and the future will be worse

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark recently posted on the Journal of One Earth [1] that as the climate changes and the temperature rises, everyone will sleep less and sleep worse.

This study uses sleep monitoring bracelets, collecting 68 places 47,628 sleep records, and meteorological data in their area. After analyzing the sleep data for a total of more than 10 billion minutes, the researchers came to the following conclusions-

① Because of "climate change", everyone has lost almost 45 hours of sleep every year.

If carbon emissions around the world can be controlled in "2045 reaching peaks in 2045, and gradually decreased since then" (RCP 4.5), by 2099, each person will lose 50 hours of sleep because of too hot each year, and 3 more sleep will be added an additional more. Insufficient nights.

If the world is not controlled, carbon emissions will still increase year by year (RCP 8.5). By 2099, each person will lose 58 hours of sleep because of too hot each year, and there will be an additional night of lack of sleep.

② The most injured are women, elderly people, non -developed countries, and people who have lived in hot areas.

Every time the temperature is 1 ° C at night, the impact on different people is different. Compared to men, women lose 1.25 times sleep. Compared to young people and middle -aged people, elderly people over 65 will lose 2 times sleep. Compared with high -income countries, nationals will lose 3 times sleep.

Reference materials [1]

The elderly's body's self -regulation is weaker, so it has a greater response to the high environmental temperature and more likely to insomnia.

Women's average body fat content is greater than men, which may affect women's heat dissipation and make women more likely to insomnia on hot nights.

The rich can use the air conditioner to let themselves fall asleep indoors. However, air conditioners will increase greenhouse gas emissions and excrete more heat in the environment. "Heat" did not disappear, but more "heat" was transferred to the poor without air conditioning or even fans.

③ The main reason for lack of sleep is sleep delay, that is, people fall asleep late.

At the same time, the time to get up has become earlier.

④ In sleep, people do not seem to "adapt to" hotness. Instead, it is easier to adapt to cold.

In other words, the temperature is low at night, as long as the quilt is warm enough, people can still sleep well.

But when the night temperature exceeds 15 ° C, people start to sleep late and sleep less. The temperature at night is high. In addition to using air conditioners to forcibly change the ambient temperature, sleep will be negatively affected.

Let me go to the refrigerator to sleep | giphy

Even if you live in tropical, it does not mean that you can really get used to heat waves and sleep stable at the hot night. This study found that compared to people living in the coldest areas, people who live in the hottest places are twice the former.

The heating at night is higher than the daytime?

This change is even more significant for western my country such as the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau.

A paper in the journal of Global Change Biology in 2020 [2] proposed that the warming brought by climate change is uneven day and night. In two -thirds of the world, more warming at night is more warmed at night more than the war. Essence

Researchers analyzed the data of nearly 35 years near the surface temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloud coverage and other data, and found that the reason for the different temperature day and night was that after the average temperature rose, the distribution of the cloud layer changed. In some places, there are fewer clouds, cloudless blocking the sun, and warming more during the day. In some places, cloud layers have become more covered. During the day, it is equivalent to supporting a "solar umbrella". However, due to the existence of the clouds at night, it is more difficult to radiate from the cloud layer, and it is more retained.

Above: More regions with significantly warmed up at night are blue. Below: More regions with significantly warmed up in the day are red. The deeper the color, the more uneven the warming day and night. | References [2] my country's Qinghai -Tibet Plateau is a region that warmed up at night than day warming. Compared with the day, the lowest temperature at night increased by 1.2 ° C.

This means that some places can be described as wet and hot at night. It affects the local sleep too much.

Deep sleep and Rem sleep are less

Most people need 7 to 8 hours of high -quality sleep every day. One -third of our lives spent in sleep.

Excessive sleep is all aspects of damage to people.我们的思考能力会下降,情绪会变差,免疫抵抗力变弱,心血管疾病风险增加,糖尿病风险上升,肥胖风险上升,老年痴呆风险上升……几乎可以说,你身体的每一个器官,每One function is weakened or harmed without exception.

Sleep researchers have long discovered that the sleep environment should remain cool.

When we sleep, the core temperature will decrease. Conversely, the body temperature decreases slightly, and people will be sleepy.

The ideal sleeping environment should be "cool, dark, quiet". People slept most stable in such an environment.

Earlier studies showed that [3], hotness will reduce the length of sleep, slow wave sleep (deep sleep) and Rem sleep (sleeping during dreaming) will decrease, and pressure hormones will rise.

In 2012, a Japanese study [4] came to the same conclusion that if you did not cover the quilt, the too cold environment would make you sleep. But now everyone has almost no shortage of bedding. As a result, "too hot" has become the main factor affecting sleep. If the humidity is large, it is difficult for people to evaporate the heat dissipation through sweat, and it will be difficult to sleep. Slow wave sleep and REM sleep will shorten.

The quality of sleep caused by the environment is poor. In addition to opening the air -conditioning fan, there is really no good way.

If the temperature reaches above 35 ° C, the cooling effect of the fan can also be extremely limited. If the humidity is large, the human body cannot heat dissipation through the mechanism of sweat evaporation, and the risk of heat stroke will rise sharply.

Thanks to the father of the air conditioner again, Willis Cairi.

Let's say, thank you Willis Cairi | Wikimedia Commons

In addition to turning on the air conditioner, taking a bath before going to bed will also promote the decrease in body temperature.

Remember not to eat snacks, digestive food will produce heat.

I ca n’t sleep well the day before, and it is definitely easy to be sleepy the next day. But do not do not doze as much as possible, otherwise you may not be asleep at night.

If you have tried all the way, you still can't sleep well ... That's really no way, after all, this is not your fault. It is the climate environment that is not good!


[1] MINOR, K., Bjerre-Nielsen, A., Jonasdottir, S. S., Lehmann, S., Obradovich, N. (2022). . Doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.04.008

[2]Cox, D. T. C., Maclean, I. M. D., Gardner, A. S., Gaston, K. J. (2020). Global variation in diurnal asymmetry in temperature, cloud cover, specific humidity and precipitation and its association with leaf area index. Global Change Biology, 26 (12), 7099–7111. Doi: 10.1111/GCB.15336

[3]Buguet, A. (2007). Sleep under extreme environments: effects of heat and cold exposure, altitude, hyperbaric pressure and microgravity in space. J. Neurol. Sci. 262, 145–152. https://doi. ORG/10.1016/J.jns.2007.06.040.

14 [5] 2022 Heat Waves -Wikipedia. Retrieved from

[6] 2022 EUROPEAN Heat Waves -Wikipedia. Retrieved from

[7] The best testure for sleep. (2021, November 16). Retrieve from IDEAL-TEMPING- TEMPERATURE-My- Bedroom

Author: You Zhixuan

Edit: Little towel

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