Chicago Agricultural Product Price Rose on the 16th

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.17

Xinhua News Agency, Chicago, June 16th (Reporter Xu Jing) Chicago Futures Exchange Corn, wheat and soybean price rose on the 16th.

On the same day, Chicago Futures Exchange's most active July contract received US $ 7.8825 per puppet ear, which was 14.25 cents from the previous trading day, an increase of 1.84%; wheat's July contract received $ 10.7825 per puppet ear, compared to comparedThe previous trading day rose 28.25 cents, an increase of 2.69%; the July contract was closed at $ 17.095 per puppet ear, an increase of 15.75 cents from the previous trading day, an increase of 0.93%.

[Editor in charge: Feng Li]

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