International Observation | The "inflation reduction bill" pushed by Biden was passed.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.08

Cover reporter Chen Ganlu intern Han Weiwei

On August 7, local time, with the key votes of US Vice President Harris, the US Senate passed the "Inflation Act" by 51:50. Many American media touted. This is the major victory of Biden and the Democratic Party before the midterm elections, and many economists and Republicans believe that the bill not only cannot ease the inflation of the United States, but also further declines the US economy.

US Vice President Harris

The thrilling customs bill cannot help the Democratic midterm election

This inflation reduction bill can "pass the level" in the Senate, and many media regard it as a difficult victory of the Democratic Party. The bill has undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Democratic Party for the upcoming midterm elections.

In the marathon voting procedure last weekend, the Democratic Party showed unprecedented unity of the Republican amendment.

Subsequently, in the Senate voting on August 7, all the senators of the 50 Democratic camps voted for support votes, while the 50 senators of the Republican Party voted all opposed votes. Finally, the Democratic Party Vice President Kamarara · Harris's decisive vote, Biden won this so -called "major victory".

The bill will be submitted to the House of Representatives for the next round of voting this week. The US House of Representatives will vote on the bill later this week. After the House of Representatives passed, the bill will be submitted to the White House immediately for the signing of the US President Biden to sign Cultivation.

The House Speaker Pelossey previously promised that once the Senate approved the proposal, the House of Representatives would quickly take action. Perlis said at a press conference last week: "When they (Senate) send it to us (House of Representatives), we will pass it."

The unprecedented unity of the Democrats of the two Hospitals also showed the urgent thoughts they wanted to take the lead before the start of the votes in mid -September. However, the impact of the real landing and implementation of the bill is still a period of time before the people’s lives, but only three months left in the mid -term elections. Core issues.

The plan does not change the rhythm of the US economic recession

Since the US President Biden took office last year, the support rate has continued to decline. The latest polls show that in terms of economy, Bayon's recognition is overall negative. Only 37%of the US Broadcasting Corporation in favor of Bayeng's way of dealing with the economy, more than two -thirds of people said that the US economy is deteriorating. The Democratic Party's support rate has not made much progress.

At present, the U.S. inflation rate has reached the highest level in 40 years, and the Federal Reserve has continuously raised interest rates, and inflation is still high. The initial version of the "Inflation Act" was the reshaping US economic plan of about $ 4 trillion in Biden, but after more than a year of tug -of -war, the budget of the bill dropped sharply.

The version passed on August 7 will raise funds through the implementation of the minimum tax rate, prescription drug pricing reform, taxation department enhancement of law enforcement, and the elimination of "loopholes" of the tax department. About 370 billion U.S. dollars will be used to deal with problems such as energy and climate change. It is planned to reduce the US $ 300 billion in deficits, and more than 60 billion US dollars will be used in the medical care field.

According to the Democratic Party estimates, it is expected to bring $ 739 billion in fiscal revenue after the bill is passed. Biden congratulated the bill through the bill: "This time, the Senate Democrats stood on the side of American families on issues related to the American people's livelihood, voting to decide to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, medical insurance and daily energy overhead, and reduce deficit."

In this regard, Republicans do not buy it at all, thinking that the so -called inflation reduction bill will actually make the inflation problem even more rampant. Because of the terms of taxation on large companies in the bill, the United States is closer to decline. However, according to a report from the Fox News Network, the Republican Senator believes that the bill will only "make everything worse."

On July 28, the GDP data announced in the second quarter of the United States decreased by 0.9%month -on -month and recorded a negative growth of GDP in the two consecutive quarters. Many institutions and media said that the United States has entered a "technical recession".

Republican senator Lindenis Graham said that the bill not only could not reduce American inflation, but also further recessive the economy. Because the tax to the enterprise is too heavy, it will hit the enthusiasm of the enterprise and increase their costs in a series of expenses such as energy. The final order is ordinary consumers.

The United States Senate Republican leader McConnell criticized the bill that the Democrats used their historic high inflation to overwhelm American families. Now they still want to increase taxes sharply, which will hit workers and reduce tens of thousands of employment opportunities. Essence

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