up to date!The White House claimed that Biden did not receive the search briefing of Haihu Manor, Trump responded: Bayeng knows

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.08.10

According to CCTV News on August 10, on August 9, local time, American White House spokesman Kalin Pill Pills said at the White House briefing that for the US Federal Investigation Agency search for the Trump Lake Manor in Trump, US President Biden did not receive relevant briefings. However, Trump said that he was informed about the "raid searches" of the US Federal Investigation Agency.

According to the Global Times, people familiar with the matter revealed that the search was related to the White House from the White House when he left his office.

The White House claims that Biden did not receive Haihu Manor's search briefing Trump: Bynden knows

On August 9, local time, American White House spokesman Kalin Jean-Pierre said at the White House briefing that the US President Biden did not receive relevant briefings for the search for the Federal Investigation Agency for searching for the Trump Lake Manor The judicial department is conducting an independent investigation, and the White House will not comment on the underway. However, Trump said that he was informed about the "raid searches" of the US Federal Investigation Agency.

According to the "Washington Post" quoted people familiar with the matter on the same day, the reason why the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) initiated the Trump Lake Manor was suspected that Trump and his confidence dedicated to the government's property, documents and other materials.

People familiar with the matter: Search for a large number of confidential documents from the White House when Trump left his office

According to people familiar with the matter, the search was related to the White House took away a large number of confidential documents from the White House.

According to the Global Times, the latest news from the United States CNN (CNN) and other media, the search work began in the early morning of Monday. The search of the agents' search was Trump's office and personal living area in Haihu Manor. While Agent, Trump was in the Trump Building in New York City.


Picture source: Foreign Media (Global Times)

CNN said that the US Department of Justice and the White House refused to comment on the FBI actions, and a White House official said that they did not receive a notice from relevant search beforehand. According to the US Political News Network, the search operation of the FBI needs to be approved by the federal court.

On Monday night, Trump issued a statement confirming the Agent of FBI agents in Haihu Manor and accused the agents of "even prying my safe."


Trump also said that the search operation was an attack that some Democrats took to prevent him from participating in the 2024 US election. This attack used the US judicial system as a weapon.

The search operation was interpreted by the media as a "major upgrade" of Trump's investigation. At present, it is a time to investigate the former President Trump around the Capitol Rihile incident. It is still unclear why investigators searched the Haihu Manor, and the FBI did not immediately respond to the request of the outside world.

The New York Times quoted sources as saying that the assault search operation seemed to be related to Trump's multi -box documents brought back from the White House back from the White House. Trump's son Eric said in an interview with Fox News that FBI searched Haihu Manor to find documents required by the National Archives.

The National Archives and Records Administration previously stated that earlier this year, 15 packs of documents including confidential information were retrieved from Haihu Manor. The box was brought back to Haihu Manor. These boxes have documents restricted by the Presidential Record Law. The law requires all documents and records related to official duties to be transferred to the National Archives to properly keep it.

Since leaving the White House in January 2021, Trump has always used Palm Beach Club as his own home. He usually spend summer at the Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, because Haihu Manor is usually closed in summer.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, Global Times

Daily Economic News

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