US media: FBI searched Haihu Manor, Biden remained silent, and the White House spokesman refused to comment 18 times

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.10

According to the "New York Post" reported on the 9th, the US President Biden still remained silent around the US Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) on Monday, and the White House spokesman Kalin Jean-Pieri He refused to comment 18 times at a routine press conference.

It is reported that Biden did not answer any questions while participating in public activities. His assistant insisted that he did not know the FBI's operation in advance and asked to turn to the US Department of Justice. After Biden signed a document approved in the East Hall of the White House on the East Hall of the White House, a reporter from the New York Post shouted: "President Bayeng, about the assault search Trump (Haihu Manor), judicial judicial What did Minister Garland tell you? "And then asked," Do you agree with the FBI assault search Trump? "

US President Biden Tu Source: Associated Press

It is reported that Biden did not respond verbally. After hearing the first question, he smiled and took a photo with the Ambassador to Finland and Sweden.

The report pointed out that at the White House press conference on the 9th, although the reporters tried to let the White House press secretary to give-Pierre to answer the question in different ways, she refused to comment on any details of the FBI operation.

Jean-Pierre said, "I will not comment here today. This is a matter of the Ministry of Justice, and I suggest you go there." However, she said that the White House learned about the way of the assault search operation "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "The US public" did not get a notice from the US Department of Justice in advance. She seemed to hint that the Minister of Justice Galan or other officials of the Ministry of Justice did not notify Biden before or before the action.

But when the Fox journalist Peter Doocy asked the Bayeon government "whether the Bayeng government and the federal investigation bureau were weapons to deal with political opponents", Pierre did not simply answer "No", but called "no", but called "no" The president believes that the rule of law and the independence of the Ministry of Justice. "

White House Press Secretary Jean-Pieltu Source: Visual China

Agence France -Presse reporter, Sebastian Smith, proposed that the Republican Party accused the FBI of political prejudice. He asked: "Many Americans may even be a very many Americans, and they are told that they may now believe that Trump is being persecuted and the deep government is hunting you, the IRS and the Federal Investigation Agency are corrupt. Was Bay Deng confident that he has a plan to solve these problems? Obviously, many people do think so. He often says that he is the leader of the entire country. Is he confident that he has dealt with it? "

Pierre replied: "Your question still makes me comment on what is happening ... I insist on what I have been saying ... This is an independent criminal investigation by the Ministry of Justice. Go to the Ministry of Justice. "

American FBI agent searched the Haihu Manor Map on the 8th: Associated Press

It is reported that on the 8th, the US FBI agent searched Trump's Haihu Manor in Florida's residence in Florida. It is said that this is said to be related to more than ten boxes of documents taken away by Trump's steps away from the president. Trump believes that the raid search operation is the continuation of FBI's "political persecution" of his so -called "Tong Russia" investigation. Kevin McCarthy, leader of the Republican House of Representatives, said that if the Republican members of the House of Representatives re -occupy a majority of seats, they will investigate these behaviors of the FBI. (Edit: HHJ)

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