CATTI Center hosted the "Food China" video lecture competition to be included in the extra -curricular points of the Ministry of Education in Malaysia

Author:Catti center Time:2022.06.17

Recently, it was hosted by the Catti Project Management Center of the China Foreign Literature and Literature Bureau, hosted by Sina Weibo, and hosted by Xiamen Waiwu Group Co., Ltd., and Malaysia and Han Cultural Center, as the "food China" video lecture contest of the support unit, is in full swing. Once this speech contest was launched, it caused a warm response at home and abroad, and was included in extra -curricular points by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. Malaysian junior and high school students enjoyed priority and interests.

Picture: Malaysian official media Starzhou Daily report

The "Food China" video speech contest, as a competition for global love for Chinese culture, provides a platform that allows global youth to understand and communicate with each other, which is conducive to spreading Chinese culture to the world.

Picture: "Food China" video speech contest poster

The speech contest held in Malaysia is closely linked to Chinese food culture. The language participation includes Chinese, English, Malay, Tamilwin, and Chinese dialects. It is divided into four groups. The topics include "a Chinese cuisine I have tasted", "The most impressed Chinese food in a documentary", "The Story of My Food with Chinese", "The Legend of Chinese Food" and so on.

The "Food China" video speech contest is a special fund funding project in Xiamen Literature and Art Development, which is affiliated with the "I am a diplomat" selection plan. Excellent works will have the opportunity to win prizes such as "Chinese Culture Overseas Communication Messenger" and Chinese books.

(Wang Chenyang, CATTI Project Management Center)

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