The Japanese group sued the government and asked for the cancellation of Abe's "national funeral" and stopping the budget from the Treasury

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.12

[Global Times Special Reporter Li Xiao] According to Kyodo News reported on the 10th, on the 9th, a citizen group named "not allowed to hold a national funeral meeting for the former Prime Minister Abe" on the 9th to "hold a 'national funeral' for the former Prime Minister Abe 'violation of the Japanese Constitution "For the sake of the Tokyo District Court, the Japanese government asked the Japanese government to cancel the" national funeral "that will be held on September 27 and stopped the budget from the treasury.

The citizen group stated in the indictment that if a specific political figures who have not determined historical evaluations, if they hold a "national funeral" for them, they will lead to the development of national cognition and emotions in a specific direction and violate the spirit of the Constitution. The indictment also wrote that it was not constitutional to discuss "national funeral" in Congress, and the government's decision to spend national funds for this reason.

At a press conference on the 9th, the citizen group said on behalf of Fujita that they called on social networks to call on people to join the lawsuit and obtain support from all over the country. Many people applied to join the lawsuit as the plaintiff. This shows that "the people are angry, and they think that the" national funeral "without legal basis is ridiculous." In addition, the agent lawyer of the citizen group also stated at a press conference that "Prime Minister Kishida has not fully explained the necessity of 'national funeral'." He also mentioned that "the temporary parliament has been closed and has not been on Abe's' national funeral of the national funeral. 'Public discussions. "

The Japanese government held a "national funeral" decision for Shinzo Abe and caused many controversy in Japanese society. According to Japan's "Tokyo News" on the 11th, a social group composed of reporters, scholars, and other social groups issued a statement entitled "The media should clearly oppose the" pre -war "relics of" national funeral ". The statement requires major media to clearly pass information to the public, that is, "'national funeral' is the product of the Meiji Constitution system", which is not compatible with the current spirit of the Constitution.

The polls released by the Japanese current Affairs News Agency on the 11th show that 47.3%of the respondents "opposed" the use of national funds to hold "national funeral" for Shinzo Abe, and 30.5%of the respondents said "in favor". The current affairs news agency said that the government decided to hold "national funeral" for Abe's "national funeral" by the cabinet resolution.

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