High prices have caused political struggle!The Indian National Party protested in black, Modi criticized him to engage in "black magic"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.12

[Global Times Special Reporter Cheng Shi Ji] "India Today" reported on the 10th that Indian Prime Minister Modi on the same day will protest the price increase organized by the parliament members of the parliament in the video speech to be called "Black Magic", indicating that these members of the parliamentarians Caopted in black to show that the protest is superstitious, and it will not be supported by the public.

Since February of this year, the Indian consumer price index (CPI) increased for 4 consecutive months than the 6%red line set by the Bank of India. The rapid rise in food and fuel prices has greatly increased the cost of life, leading to doubts and pressure on the Indian People's Party government in ruling. Many members of the Opposition of the Communist Party of China have continued to make accusations and pointed at Modi, saying that its economic policy failed. On August 5, a large number of opposition members wearing black coats held a demonstration event at the entrance of the parliament. The new generation of members of the National Congress of the National University explained the move on Twitter, "It symbolizes the inflation cloud, unemployed clouds, economic down cloudy clouds, and rupees."

Modi responded that this approach was very ridiculous. Modi said that the country is facing difficult moments, and these politicians choose to show their despair and helplessness in a performance way. This approach is tantamount to using "black magic" to change the status quo. Modi also stated in a video speech that the more difficult the country is, the more he must be alert to some politicians to "bribe" voters for the election to make irresponsible commitments. Subsidies to subsidize voters by allowing the state to debt, and it has long been harmful.

Modi's "Black Magic" theory was also hit by the opponent. According to the Indian Express report on the 11th, Lahul Gandhi, the former chairman of the Indian National University Party, responded that the Prime Minister ignored the domestic inflation and unemployment rate. He posted on social media, "Stopping the dignity of the post of prime minister's position, do not hide your unjust behavior by advocating the concept of superstition of 'black magic', do not mislead the country."

As the Modi government entered the second term, the party factions began to build momentum for the Indian elections in 2024. Earlier this year, in the Election of the Northern State Council of India, the Indian People's Party performed well and was considered to win the "semi -finals" of the election. Some experts pointed out that because of this, Modi was even more confident to resolve the demonstration of the opposition's parade in a almost joke, and expressed his refusal to win the election with the way of "bribe".

Indian media believe that the ability to control inflation in a reasonable range has always been the "signboard" advantage of the Modi government. India's CPI has stabilized in a reasonable range of 3%-5%since Modi governed in 2014. According to the data released by the World Bank, in 2020 affected by the epidemic, India's CPI rose to 6.6%. However, in 2021, the Indian CPI fell to 5.1%. However, since the beginning of this year, international grain prices and fuel prices have risen rapidly, leading to inflation in India's inflation. The Modi government quickly launched a series of response measures, including prohibition of wheat exports and encouraging purchasing oil from Russia. Reuters survey and analysis said that India's inflation rate was controlled in July, especially the price of grain has dropped slightly, which will alleviate the pressure on ordinary people.

The Modi government has continuously emphasized that it has achieved leapfrog development through application new technologies. On the 10th, Modi's speech was a "second -generation ethanol production factory". Modi said that it plans to complete the goal of adding 20%ethanol to gasoline within 5 years to alleviate the predicament of high energy prices to India. At present, 83%of India's oil depends on imports.

However, some experts have pointed out that the Modi government's policy has led to a significant decline in India's rupee prices. From the beginning of the year to the present, it has fallen by nearly 10%, which has caused high prices of imported products and raw materials and is not good for the development of Indian manufacturing. In particular, the price of coal imports rose sharply, which led to the shutdown of coal -fired power plants in many places in India, and the supply of electricity was interrupted.

In addition, according to the analysis of the Economic Times of India, the price of high fertilizer fertilizers has caused the Indian fertilizer subsidy policy to be unsustainable, and Indian agricultural development will face pressure. In addition, in July of this year, the violent tropical monsoon brought about heavy rainfall and other disaster weather, causing great damage to Indian agricultural production. Agricultural development will further highlight the high unemployment rate that has troubled India for a long time.

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