Is it better to read the United States by selling the United States?Because of sanctioning Russia, Germany's losses are unobtrusive

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.08.12

Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, Western countries' sanctions on Russia can be described as a better round than a round. It has strongly suppressed Russia's exports in energy and metal. It is difficult for the army to maintain special military operations in Ukraine. On the surface, this series of sanctions has a certain effect, and Russia's economy does have slumped. However, the results of this series of sanctions have also made Western countries very uncomfortable. The inflation caused by energy shortage and food shortage is destroying the economic foundation of Western countries. Among them, Germany is undoubtedly the biggest injustice. According to Russian media quoted the relevant data of Luyou News Agency, due to Germany's series of sanctions against Russia, by 2030, German economic losses will exceed 260 billion euros, and huge price adjustments are expected to drop German GDP in 2023 by 1.7 %, The number of employment is reduced by 240,000.

The release of this series of data, like a heavy hammer, beating on the fragile mind of the German government and the German people. It can be foreseeable that if the current German Tshuz government cannot properly solve the current German economic predicament, then what he will face will be from the anger of the people and his own steps. And his competitors have already been eager to try, and Germany's chairman in the opposition party said that only by ending meaningless sanctions, can the current energy disaster in Germany be avoided, because he believes that sanctions harm to Germany must be greater than harm to Russia. Essence

The current Germany is inevitable because of the decline in sanctioning economy, but the problems behind this must not be underestimated.

First, the German energy system is very fragile. Due to the influence of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, and a series of sanctions on Russia's natural gas and oil, Germany has seriously rely on the disadvantages of Russia's energy to expose rapidly, and is accurately sniped by Russia, which has led to the lack of energy in the winter and even the inability to pay for winter costs. The dilemma. What's even worse is that Germany is still a major industrial country. Nowadays, the high energy prices of high enterprises are undergoing high pressure in the German industry, and the loss is inevitable. Based on this background, the decline of the German economy is not so surprised.

Second, the US balance European strategy still exists. Looking back on the situation of the entire Russian -Ukraine conflict and the game between the European Union and Russia, the United States has participated in it. From the perspective of results, this war and sanctions, Russia, the European Union, Ukraine, are losers. Only the United States is the biggest winner behind it. For the European Union led by Germany, it has a profound impact. During the administration of the Merkel government and the Macron government, Germany intended to strengthen the EU autonomy, established the EU troops, and got rid of the restraint of the United States and NATO. However, the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict today, the European Union was completely brought to the United States, and Germany had to eat bitter fruit.

Third, the Golden government has insufficient leadership. If the United States intentionally promotes behind, it is caused by external intervention. Then the inaction of the German government's inaction is the reason why the German and even the European Union are within Germany. Before the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, and even in the early stage of the Russian -Ukraine conflict, Germany was completely capable of calming the dispute with France. However, the reality is that the Souls government lacks sufficient leadership and strives to discuss peace with France to solve the problem peacefully. In the end, the European Union's overall trend was manipulated by the US Major Poland, Lithuania and other countries.

Therefore, the downside of the German economy seems to be an outbreak of energy issues, but in the deepest point of view, it is the final result of the United States' manipulation behind and the inaction of the German government. This is sold by the United States, and it is still necessary to think of good behaviors in the United States. If Souls is still unwilling to wake up, it is not impossible to repeat the history of the Weimar government 100 years ago.

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