Just now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded!

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.08.15

On August 15, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.

Question: Today is "8 · 15", which is a Japanese defeat day, and it is also a special day in Sino -Japanese relations. Today, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida worshiped incense money to the Yasukuni Shrine. In the past two days, some cabinet members went to visit the Yasukuni Shrine. What is China's comment?

Answer: The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarism launched the war of foreign aggression. The negative trend of the Japanese politicians involved in the Yasukuni Shrine once again reflects the wrong attitude of the Japanese party to historical issues. China has proposed to the Japanese side with diplomatic channels to explain a serious position to the Japanese side.

Today is the 77th anniversary of Japan's defeat and announced the 77th anniversary of unconditional surrender. 77 years ago, the Chinese people and the people of the world defeated the Japanese militarist aggressors and fascism, and achieved the great victory of justice to defeat evil, light the darkness, and improve their reaction. This great victory is always engraved in the historical book of the Chinese nation and human justice.

Focusing on history and deep reflection is a necessary prerequisite for Japan to restore the normal relationship with Asian neighbors after the war. For a period of time, some political figures in Japan have frequently distorted the history of aggression in various ways, and blatantly violated important legal documents such as the Cairo Declaration of Taiwan to return Taiwan to China. This is the serious provocative of the victory of the World Anti -Fascist War and the post -war international order. All people who love peace and claim justice will not agree. Those who drive historical reversers will definitely go astray again. Only if Japan adheres to the path of peaceful development can Japan find its own correct position. The Chinese side urged the Japanese side to learn from historical lessons and thoroughly cut with militarism to avoid further disgracement in neighboring Asian and international communities.

China Embassy in Japan: China is resolutely opposed!

On August 15th, a spokesman for the Embassy in Japan Around "August 15", members of the Japanese cabinet and some members of Congress worshiped the Yasukuni Shrine and the Japanese leaders worshiped the sacrifice fees to the Yasukuni Shrine that the Yasukuni Shrine was the Japanese militarism. Movement of an important symbol of the war of aggression, worshiping the guilty of guilt -in -class war criminals, and preaching the historical view of World War II. The Japanese side has a negative trend on the issue of the Yasukuni Shrine, which is related to international axioms and historical justice, and involves the dignity and feelings of the people of the Asian victims. China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this wrong behavior, and has proposed to the Japanese side with serious positive negotiations.

The spokesman emphasized that Japan must learn from history, correctly understand and deeply reflect on the history of aggression in the past, and thoroughly drawn the boundaries with the militarism in order to truly trust in the Asian neighbor and the international community in order to effectively face the future with a responsible attitude. We urge the Japanese side to abide by the statements and commitments made on historical issues so far, stop all behaviors of beautifying aggression and distorting historical cognition, and reflect the attitude of studying historical lessons and adherence to peaceful development with practical actions.

Source: People's Daily Client

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