The United States has publicly settled India?The picture is not small

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.06.17

According to media reports, White House's Indo -Pacific Affairs coordinator Kurite Campbell recently talked about the United States in the "Indo -Pacific Region" strategy that relations with India are "the most important relationship between the United States in the 21st century." Campbell said the next step of the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" in the United States will include cooperation with allies to provide more security guarantees to India. The report pointed out that India has been silent about Russia and Ukraine's conflict, which makes some people in Washington worried. Biden and some US government officials acknowledged that Russia has been the main military equipment provider of India for decades. Campbell said Washington will also strengthen cooperation with New Delhi in terms of intelligence, trade and economic. It is reported that Washington has always tried to attract New Delhi to change its consistent neutrality in global affairs, especially Biden to promote the reform of the security dialogue on the US -India -Japan -Japan Quartet.

In Campbell's relevant remarks, there is a sentence in a sentence, that is, in the Indo -Pacific region, US -India relations are the most important relationships in the 21st century. This sentence fully expresses the United States' attention to India, and at the same time, it contains the components of Jie, charming and flattering. You know, the scope of the Indo -Pacific region is very large, including Japan, South Korea, Australia and other American traditional allies, as well as the ten ASEAN countries. In so many countries, the United States even ranked first to India, and naturally it would be flattered in India. Of course, the map of the United States would not be small.

For the United States, there are at least three functions in India, which are irreplaceable. First, in the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, India's position is very critical. If it stands to the United States, Russia will lack a powerful ally. Conversely, India will be an important support for Russia's energy. It is reported that India is selling Russia to Russia. In the process of petroleum, I made a lot of money, and the relationship between Russia and India has a long history and relatively stable; the second is to block the needs of China. As a neighbor in China, India's comprehensive national strength is relatively weak, and there is territorial territory with China. The contradictions and differences, then, is a force that can be available, can put fire at the rear of China at a critical moment to meet the strategic needs of the United States; the third is that the Indian population is large and the economy is relatively backward. Then, if anyone can replace it, who can replace it If the status of China's production and manufacturing power is probably the Indian, only it has this strength.

Therefore, whether it is isolated Russia, fighting against China, or removing China from the world's industrial chain, India is a very important role. The practical interests are all possible and in line with the interests of the United States. Therefore, Campbell's publicly emphasized the importance of US -India relations. The fundamental purpose is to win India and let it play a more important identity in the American ally system. A few days ago, Biden personally visited Asia in person. In the joint statement of the United States, Japan, Australia and India, did not name China, which was that India was unwilling to excessively criminal China. This is also conceivable. After all, Japan and Australia are basically in front of the United States. It's obedient.

In the face of the United States, will India be unwilling? This is probably impossible. However, it is necessary to advise India that the United States has never been reliable. Before obtaining substantial interests, it is recommended that India should not easily express their positions, let alone stand in line. At the same time, it is necessary to remind India that is not as far as close neighbors. Whether China and India can coexist peacefully in the third party, and this is about peace and stability of Asia and even the world. Do not easily be provoked by villains. At a critical moment when China -Russia holds heating and combat hegemony, India is best to think twice and do not be confused by short -term interests. Otherwise, the price that India needs to pay may be much higher than the benefits of benefits.

Objectively speaking, in order to deal with China and Russia, the United States hegemony has been used for everything, and allies are widely attracted worldwide to serve its world hegemony. However, the problem is that the international community does not welcome the single hegemony, but it is more hoped and different. Each sovereign country is equal. This is what the people's hearts are and the general trend. Therefore, India still has to open his eyes, consider it carefully, don't be easily bewildered by the United States, let alone stand on the wrong side of history.

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