The residence of senior officials such as the former Minister of the Han Dynasty was searched, and Yin Xiyue was approved by the "political revenge" to divert the attention

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.17

[Global Times special reporter Liu Haisheng in South Korea] As part of the investigation of the "Western Sea Civil Servant's Shooting Incident", South Korean prosecutors searched the residence of three national security officials in the former government on the 16th.

According to the Yonhap News Agency on the 16th, the Central Procuratorate of the Seoul Central Procuratorate sent staff on the morning of the former National Intelligence Institute, Park Jiyuan, former Minister of Defense Xu Xu and former Qingwatai National Security Office Xu Xun's house to collect the "West Sea Evidence of civil servants' shots ". The South Korean National Institute had previously accused the three of them existing in abuse of authority such as unauthorized deletion of intelligence and misleading investigations in the above cases. A former spokesman for Qingwatai, Gao Yanting, criticized the president Yin Xiyue on the 16th to transfer domestic attention to economic issues through "political revenge".

South Korean President Yin Xiyue. Data Map

According to Korean media reports, on September 21, 2020, Li Dajun (Yin), a civil servant of the Ministry of Marine Aquatic Aquatic Products, disappeared in the western waters in the western waters. The next day was discovered and shot by the Korean soldiers at sea the next day. At the time, the Ministry of National Defense and the National Institute found that Li Dajun wanted to "invest in North Korea." However, the South Korean Ministry of Defense and the Marine Police Department jointly held a press conference on June 16 this year. It was changed to say that Li Dajun did not find that Li Dajun took the initiative to invest in evidence.

South Korea's "World Daily" said on the 16th that South Korean judicial circles believe that the prosecutor suddenly accelerates the investigation of the incident two years ago, and the next step is the former President Moon Jae -in. At present, not only Li Dajun's survivors listed Wen Zaiyin as the defendant, but also conservative groups on the 18th of last month on the 18th of the court on the grounds of suspicion that he had led to the "mandatory return from North Korean fishermen".

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