Russian astronauts return urgently

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.18

Due to electrical problems in the astronauts, Russian astronauts Algeeev stopped the off -site mission of the International Space Station in advance.

According to Tas Society reported on the 17th local time, experts from the Russian Flight Control Center found that the voltage of Russian astronauts, Alfi Yayev, who carried out conventional space walking missions at the International Space Station, decreased after his out of the cabin.The Flight Control Center notified Algemiev to return to the space station immediately because if the battery was exhausted, the vacuum pump and ventilation device would not work, and the astronauts might lose contact.

With the help of the Flight Control Center on the ground, Algemiyev has connected the power station.According to the plan, two Russian astronauts on the 17th will work for 7 hours in space.

Source: CCTV News Client

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