Copy the same mistakes in the epidemic of monkey acne, not just vaccine in the United States

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.08.20

As the American acne epidemic developed rapidly, the US media disclosed a surprising news. US political news website Politico reported on August 18 that American senior health officials have always knew that there is no sufficient dose of vaccine in the National Strategic Reserve (SNS), which directly makes it difficult for the Biden government to provide vaccines for the high -risk population of nearly one million monkeys. Vaccination service. This once again confirms a judgment of the New York Times: "The long -term weakness of the US public health system has made the virus deeply ingrained."

The phrase "the vaccine has not been enough" exposed the long -term predicament of the US public health system. Politico reports that the U.S. government should reserve about 120 million doses of monkey acne vaccine Jynneos, and these vaccines are enough for 60 million people to use. However, the reality is that before 2019, the United States had only 20 million doses of JynneOS vaccines. In 2020, the US government purchased 1 million doses of vaccines to replace the expired vaccine. The data disclosed by the New York Times is even more stunning. A report from the newspaper in early August stated that at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, the United States "only 2,400 vaccines available". Because of this, the sporadic monkey acne epidemic in the early May appeared in the United States, and now it has been reporting the epidemic in almost the United States. More and more local health departments have stated that they cannot provide sufficient vaccines.

In addition to insufficient reserves, SNS has not been able to obtain enough funds. As of 2019, the relevant departments have obtained funds only enough to purchase 40 million doses of vaccines. And these money may be used by the government as him to deal with things that are considered to be more threatened or higher. Interviewed officials said that for many years, they have been asking Congress to provide sufficient funds and reserves for SNS to deal with possible infectious disease threats, but this requirement has never been met. A senior official of the Ministry of Health told Politico, "This is as if we need 100 fighters when facing the battle, but we can only afford 10", "this is definitely not ready."

In fact, the funding problem of the health department has always been one of the focus of the United States' disputes on expenditure issues. The Democratic government tends to invest in the public health department, while the Republican government is used to cutting this part of expenses. The two parties that political and tools have continuously interfered and eroded the ability of the US public health department to respond to the crisis, which made the United States faltering on the road to resistance.

Insufficient vaccine is not the only dilemma in the United States when facing monkey acne epidemic. In the past few months, the United States has repeated all the errors made in the past two years when dealing with the new crown epidemic: slow detection and rapid increase in cases; the anti -epidemic prevention policy between the federal and state; the information is not smooth, the public concerns, fear and doubt emotions spread. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has once again become the target of criticism. The New York Times said that CDC should have led the United States to respond to viral emergencies, but it was unable to move quickly because it was too ink and was restrained by the procedures. It also lacked infrastructure that could move rapidly to respond to emergency situations. In addition, due to system reasons, CDC cannot force states to provide sufficient reports, so it is difficult to effectively understand the scope and nature of monkey acne cases. On August 17, CDC director Valenis publicly acknowledged that the department had made some "very serious and well -known mistakes" while responding to the new crown epidemic, and announced a series of reform measures.

In addition to the heavily problems of the health department, it was once again exposed to the spotlight, other social diseases in the United States also rose in the monus epidemic. According to the US Health News website Statnews reported on August 11, according to statistics from multiple states, ethnic minorities have become the main victims of the epidemic. For example, 70%of monkey acne cases in North Carolina are African -American, and African descent accounts for only 21%of the state's population; African -American population accounts for 30%of Georgia. Essence Graig Gunsfes, an epidemiologist at the School of Public Health at Yale University, said in an interview with American public television that the United States "is establishing a species system" on the issue of deciding "who can get the need for monkey acne."

The United States constantly "drop the pit" on the same issue, and has to doubt how much protection can the U.S. government provide when the next epidemic comes? How much does the Americans pay for themselves to get a dose of vaccines for themselves? (Nie Shi)

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