Indonesia reports the country's first diagnostic diagnosis case

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.20

Indonesia reported on the 20th that the country's first diagnosis was diagnosed, and the infected person was a man with an international travel history.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health spokesman Muhammad Chahril said at a press conference on the 20th that the patient was a 27 -year -old man who returned to Jakarta from abroad on the 8th. After 6 days, fever symptoms appeared, and the rash appeared on the 16th.Diagnose infection with monkey acne tires.At present, patients have mild symptoms and areolate at home.Relevant departments are understanding the action trajectory of their secrets.

The Indonesian government is strengthening monkey acne prevention and control, adding 10 polymerase chain reaction laboratories at the entry ports at the airport and port, and trying to obtain monkey acne vaccines.

The World Health Organization announced on July 23 that the multi -country monkey acne epidemic constitutes "international concerns of emergencies."This is the highest -level public health alert currently released by WHO.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ouna)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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