36 a day!The absurdity of the American legislation enthusiasm

Author:Report Time:2022.08.28

36 a day! The absurdity of the American legislation enthusiasm

He is like a student who is more than half a semester. Through the way he boiled overnight, he stuffed the final papers to the door of the professor's office at 6 am. Although he couldn't get A, the teacher would not give him F.

This is the US "politician" news website, the latest evaluation of the US president.

In this month, Biden signed the "Chip and Science Act" and the "Inflation Act". On August 25, Biden also signed an administrative order aimed at the implementation of the "Chip and Science Act".

At present, the number of bills signed by Biden has exceeded the number of bills during Obama's eight -year term.

These bills have been reported by the United States media in succession, and they have become a good operation of the U.S. political system. Some people are regarded as a governance country and solving problems.

But the question is, is these bills really useful?

From these dimensions, you can see the "true face" of the US bill.

After using big data, Lord Tan found that by August 23, this year's parliamentarian has submitted 21,693 proposals, with an average of 36.3 per day, which is the highest level in the past 20 years.

But the seemingly unprecedented legislative enthusiasm is just a table: Among the 21693 proposals, there are 15,882 proposals -nearly 73.2%only stay in the proposal stage, not even discussed.

The legislative process in the United States is lengthy and complicated. A proposal must complete the entire process during the term of the parliament, otherwise even if it is a "close door", it will become a waste paper. The 15,882 proposals were from the beginning. The 15,882 proposals were from the beginning. Xinqiang, deputy director of the American Research Center, who had been a legislative assistant to the US members of the United States, told Lord Tan that most of the 73.2%of them had no substantial significance, or the controversial proposal was not obtained. Essence

Lord Tan noticed that on February 18, 2021, a Democratic member of the Democratic Party submitted a proposal to rename a name to the state.

Xinqiang told Lord Tan that similar proposals accounted for such a high proportion, which showed that the quality of the US proposal declined seriously.

You know, the United States has been in a rare crisis for decades.

At the political level, the former president was "copied", breaking the political tacit understanding of the United States over the past 200 years, and setting the "struggle" for the two parties;

At the economy level, the price of high inflation in the United States, and the price of oil such as oil and other products have continued to rise, pushing up the "most price";

At the social level, tumors such as racism exacerbate American society tear. Faced with the worsening safety environment, more Americans can only choose to armed themselves and complete the "most historical" of people who have completed the background of gun purchase identity.

The crisis has also brought action, which has increased the number of members' proposals, but what is their motivation and these proposals really solve the problem?

There is an observation perspective intriguing. In the first and second quarters of this year, the spending expenditures of Apple, Amazon, Intel and other companies reached a new high -there have been more proposals, more corporate lobbying expenditures, and more benefits from members of members.

Republican senator Mark Lubio is a good example. Since last year, Rubio has brought 892 proposals, involving multiple industries such as energy and medical care.

Create a dedicated appearance and initiate proposals like KPI, in order to make real benefits.

△ The more the proposal is raised, the more political contributions

Lord Tan used big data to capture companies that donated to Rubio's political donation since 2020 that the top 20 companies in the amount of amount were concentrated in the energy and medical industries.

Rubio's economic situation is not very good, and he has been rated as a senator with the most liabilities in Congress. If you do n’t pass the way of Guangsha.com, you will have such economic strength alone, of course, you ca n’t fight for the members of the candidates for their own pockets. At that time, it is difficult to say whether Rubio can keep his members.

It can be seen from this cut surface that these proposals want to solve are not domestic problems in the United States, not the pocket problem of the American people, but the problem of solving is the problem of their own pockets.

Since taking office, Biden has signed a total of 173 bills. Among them, four bills are very special. In the words of Americans themselves, they are the "largest scale" bill in American history.

On August 16, Biden signed the "Inflation Act" with a total value of about 750 billion US dollars, which contains the largest bill of climate investment in the history of the United States;

On August 9, Biden signed the "Chip and Science Act" with a total value of about 280 billion US dollars, which contains the largest industrial policies since the World War II;

On November 15 last year, Biden signed a $ 12 trillion infrastructure investment bill, which is the largest infrastructure reform bill in the United States for more than half a century;

On March 11 last year, Biden signed a $ 1.9 trillion economic assistance plan, which is the largest bailout bill in American history.

These bills correspond to the major crisis of inflation, chip shortages, outdated infrastructure, and epidemic impact that the United States face.

But strangely, the four largest bills of the four -year -old bill seem to be large, but there are not many expenditures in solving practical problems.

The letter who is familiar with the US Council told Lord Tan that for example, the vast majority of members did not know what aspects needed to use money and how much money they needed to be effective. Although the name of the "Inflation Act" has the word "inflation reduction", expenditures related to energy and climate account for more than 80%of the total expenditure. The results of the U.S. Congress Budget Office showed that the impact of the bill on inflation in 2022 was "minimal". In 2023, the impact of the bill on the inflation rate was only between 0.1 percentage points.

The Infrastructure Investment Act will provide US $ 550 billion federal investment for the construction of the United States in the next 5 years, but research shows that repairing the crumbling infrastructure in the United States will need to invest 6 trillion US dollars in the next 10 years.

△ The Port of Balt in the United States, Biden once gave a speech on the infrastructure investment bill. The large crane in the picture is produced in China

The main purpose of the economic rescue plan is to boost the economy. Affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, there is a large gap in the output of the US supply end, but the expenditure of funding in the bill is only 150 billion U.S. dollars. one.

Passed the largest bill in history, but why didn't money spend on the blade? The answer is four words -political fertilizer.

Zhang Tengjun, deputy director of the Asia -Pacific Research Institute of the China Institute of International Institute of International Institute of International Congress for a long time, told Lord Tan that a large -scale and package plan. This huge expenditure gives politicians for renting the space. The terms of interests, such behaviors are called "political fertilizer." The largest bill also means complex political transactions.

Zhang Tengjun, deputy director of the Asia -Pacific Research Institute of the China Institute of International Institute of International Institute of International Congress for a long time, told Lord Tan that a large -scale and package plan. This huge expenditure gives politicians for renting the space. The terms of interests, such behaviors are called "political fertilizer." The largest bill also means complex political transactions.

The predecessor of the "Chip and Science Act" is the "Endless Frontier Act". This bill focuses on high -tech, but Johnson, Republican Senator of Wisconsin, has to add content to strengthen border security to the bill.

These contents will of course be lost, and the bill deviates from the original track. However, such a situation can only accept the Bayeng government and even take the initiative to "divide the fertilizer" to win some members. Because the Bayeng government faced was a stronger party struggle.

These four bills have passed through multiple versions of change, and they did not get in danger until the end.

The problem is not only in the Republican Party, but also the Democratic Party -this has a lot to do with the seats of the current parliament:

There are a total of 100 senators in the Senate, and the democracy and Republican parties each account for 50 seats;

There are 435 seats in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Party is only 10 seats than the Republican Party. It is the majority party of the House of Representatives with the smallest advantage in the past 20 years.

In most cases, the Republican votes, Democratic Party, don't think about it.

After a 27 -hour meeting and 15 hours of voting, on August 7, 2022, the Senate passed the "Inflation Act" with a 51-50 results.

The most critical vote is from Vice President Harris -Vice President generally does not vote in the Senate, unless it is necessary to break the situation of the flat number.

Five days later, the bill was passed in the House of Representatives with 220 votes in favor of 220 votes and 207 votes.

This is almost exactly the same as that of the Democratic and Republican parliamentary seats. The situation passed by other bills is basically a big difference:

On March 6, 2021, the US Senate passed the economic rescue plan with a 50-49 voting results. Four days later, the voting results of the House of Representatives were 220 to 211.

This stalemate means that while the Democratic Party faces the struggle between the two parties, it is also time to be alert to the party's "anti -water". This also gives Democratic members of the Democratic Party, with the opportunity to kidnap the bill with its own power.

Last year, after Biden proposed a $ 3.5 trillion "Rebuilding Future Plan", the two houses were tugged for more than half a year on the amount of the bill, and Biden compromised several times and cut the scale of the bill. In November 2021, the House of Representatives managed to pass the shrinking version of the $ 1.75 trillion "Rebuilding Future Plan".

But a month later, the US Democratic Senator Manchin anti -water against the water and opposed the bill, which caused the bill to be stranded accidentally due to the lack of a key vote.

The logic of Manchin's inverted Ge is very simple, which contains a lot of assistance and expenditure for the new energy industry. Manchin is a senior Senate in West Virginia. West Virginia is a large coal state in the United States. Coal production accounts for 20%of the national output, and coal exports account for more than 50%of the national export volume.

Manchin himself, holding about $ 1 million of the coal industry confidential trust fund, the Manchin family also has a coal brokerage company. Not to mention that on the eve of the vote of the bill, the coal company also lobne and political donations on Manchin.

Zhang Tengjun once published a research monograph "Congress and the United States Decision -making Research on the United States" to discuss the decision -making factors of Congress and its impact on China. In this book, there are two words -the "narrow regionalism" and "personalist decision -making thinking" of parliament members. Manchin is a good manifestation.

The "Angle Act Act" also compromised Manchin alone -according to the bill, the federal government wants to develop new wind and solar energy, and first of all, we must relax oil and natural gas mining. In addition, Manchin also hopes to build a natural gas pipeline for West Virginia, and he has also won a commitment to accelerate the approval of energy projects. How many "Manchin" thoughts are needed in a bill? How much will the bill be deviated to the "Manchin" thoughts?

There are problems with the bill itself. At the level of implementation, there are also vulnerabilities.

The U.S. Congress has the power to establish an investigation committee, set up special prosecutors or hold a hearing, and even instructed the implementation of the investigation bill such as the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. But this is generally a situation that occurs when a major failure requires accountability.

In most cases, the implementation of these bills has no supervision at all. This self -supervision is similar.

Take an infrastructure investment bill, its total amount is 1.2 trillion US dollars.

According to relevant agencies, some members proposed that they moved $ 205 billion to the infrastructure investment bill from the economic assistance plan.

The total value of the economic assistance plan is worth $ 1.9 trillion, that is, it has one tenth of money and will be used as someone else.

This money is a bit unknown.

In the economic rescue plan, there is also a plan with a expenditure of $ 386 million to provide a one -year online course to 17,250 retired soldiers who have unemployed due to the unemployment of the epidemic, so that they can find new jobs as soon as possible. But more than a year passed, and only 397 people found a job. The US media itself commented that Washington often failed in effective use of funds.

Unable to supervise, it also allows American politicians to mention some bills that satisfy their political interests.

Zhang Tengjun told Lord Tan that the lack of close tracking and strict supervision of the law of the bill will only allow American politicians to consider the social sensation effect brought by the bill and its bonus to personal performance, which will also cause the actual results of the bill to be far lower than that of the bill. expected.

Each bill can "change the history of the United States" and "create millions of employment opportunities", which is a "chance of a thousand years." Such slogans have earned the eyes and attention of the American people, but during the implementation stage, the American people's sense of gain is extremely low, which has exacerbated the dissatisfaction of the American people to the government.

This also caused the US bill from proposal to implementation, forming a vicious circle -each time, the expectations of the American people were lifted high, and finally, they fell again.

You know, as a legislative agency in the United States, every bill passed here will profoundly affect every American.

Such a serious job now is eye -catching by gimmicks, like children's drama.

More than 200 years ago, the founders of the United States worked hard to set up such a system, hoping that it could ensure that the United States was running and developing on normal track.

I am afraid that they would not think that more than 200 years later, a bill passed by the American lawmakers allowed the United States to deviate from the original track and drove in the unknown direction.

Reprinted: Yuyuan Tan Tian

Edit: Wang Bomi

Editor in charge: Shi Wei

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