Nearly 2,000 staff members in the jurisdiction have exceeded the standard, and the Indian police director must "hold your mouth"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.21

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] Indian national obesity rate has continued to rise, and the guardian of the people, the police, is difficult to be spared. It has even reached "the point where he can't catch criminals because he is too fat".

According to the Indian Express report on the 19th, on the Andanaki Nicoba Islands, the Overseas Overseas Land of India, the local police director Gagge conducted a physical examination of the 4304 staff in the area and found that nearly half of the people's weight exceeded the standard. To this end, Gay began to vigorously promote the healthy dietary control activities, and required people to resolutely say "no" foods rich in carbohydrates such as cream, curry, and high -calorie cheese, and required all police officers to strengthen their physical exercise. Gag's concept is simple and clear. Only by self -discipline can we get a healthy body and maintain good public security. It is reported that in the Punjab, a court banned the overweight police officer and drug dealers, because "they did not run fast enough to catch the criminals."

Gay said that he also understood the difficulty of the police. On average, he worked for 14 hours a day and was irregular. He hopes to collect more data in this event to help more police officers get rid of obesity. It is reported that the initial results of the activity have achieved the results. Due to the control of heat intake, a police officer has lost about 36 pounds, and the blood pressure has returned to normal at the same time.

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