"Several generations of generations are fighting for oil" (in -depth observation) —— The American abuse of force causes the world turmoil ②

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.06.21

Since the end of World War II, the United States has frequently launched a foreign war, overthrowing the regime of other countries, or creating division. Analysts pointed out that an important reason for the United States is such a fighting of strategic resources such as oil and maintaining the dominant position of the US dollar in the world. Brent Gowy, a British international relations, pointed out that the reason why the United States does not choose is not just as simple as the oil reserves, but to maintain its global hegemony.

For a period of time, the United States stole Iraq and Syria's oil, confiscated Afghan dollar assets, and waved sanctions to freeze the assets of other countries in the United States, causing widespread criticism in the international community. The US Vice President Harris has declared: "In the past many years, generations of generations have been fighting for oil." Harris said that the United States has repeatedly launched an economic motivation for foreign wars.

Minister of Economics and Foreign Trade, Syria-

"Until today, Syria's oil and gas fields are still under the control of the United States and have been plundered by American companies."

In early May of this year, a team of 50 cars went from the eastern region of Hassek Province, Syria to the Syrian non -official port Ward. This team's eight military armored vehicles in the United States in Syria in Syria. According to Syrian media reports, the 50 vehicles of the team are oil tanks, which are filled with oil stolen by the U.S. troops from Hassek in Syria.

As early as 2019, Syrian President Bashar Assad accused the United States of "stealing oil" from Syria. In October last year, Syrian Minister of Economic and Foreign Trade Samil Harry said that the oil and power industry in Syria is the two areas that have suffered the most serious economic losses since the outbreak of the crisis. , By American companies. " Syrian Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Barcelum Tama said that the United States currently controls 90%of crude oil resources in the northeast of Syria and is crazy plundering oil resources with rich local reserves, which has led to the total loss of the country's oil industry exceeding $ 92 billion. "The United States and its allies are like a pirate, holding Syrian oil wealth."

In October 2019, then US President Trump acknowledged that the U.S. military stayed in Syria at a public event for oil. He said: "We want to keep oil and remember this." He even said that he was interested in reaching an agreement with the energy company to minimize the oil reserves of Syria.

James Stuart, a jurisprudence professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, believes that it is the crime of war without the consent of the owner. The Syrian government has neither invitation nor authorized the U.S. military to carry out related actions in Syrian territory.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Shi'iyu, pointed out that the United States is paddling with oil producers and arms manufacturers through the plunder of oil resources belonging to the people of Syria. Russian expert Igor Yoskov said the reason why the United States was unwilling to evacuate from northern Syria was to plunder oil resources. They used the armed forces to defend oil smuggling and revenge any actions to prevent smuggling.

The United States -led coalition forces also smuggled Syrian wheat many times. According to the Syrian Arabian news agency, the U.S. occupation forces colluded with local militia in Syria, stealing Syrian oil and food every day, and then sold for funds.

Afghan Interim Government Deputy Faithfulness ——

"The richest country steal the money in the poorest country, which exposes the dark morality of the United States."

The United States often occupy the assets of other countries in the name of sanctions. In 2019, the United States Frozen Venezuela Government in the United States has also supported the opposition of the commission by increasing the sanctions. In February this year, US President Biden officially signed an administrative order to "allocate" $ 3.5 billion from the US $ 7 billion Afghan assets frozen in the United States and compensated the family members of the victims of the "September 11" incident. Since the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, the United States has upgraded financial sanctions on Russia, including frozen Russian large state -owned financial institutions in US assets.

The $ 7 billion of the US $ 7 billion is owned by the Afghan Central Bank, including cash, bonds and gold, and a large part of them came from foreign exchange accumulated in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. About $ 500 million in this asset is a reserve for many commercial banks in Afghanistan, including the deposit of ordinary people in Afghanistan.

Samanjani, deputy spokesperson for the Interim Government of Afghanistan, said: "Afghanistan is facing serious economic problems. The richest country stole the money of the poorest country, which exposes the dark morality of the United States."

The Pakistani Representative of the United Nations Aklam emphasized that Afghanistan urgently needed this fund to restore and maintain economic development, providing the people of Afghanistan with basic living facilities including health and education.

Mustafa Barumi, a professor at Brooklyn College of New York University, criticized this "theft" in the United States and believes that the US government has planned "big scams" to dominate these "money that does not belong to them." Boyer, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, believes that the U.S. government's practice of the Afghan central bank in US assets, regardless of any reasons, is completely stealing, they have no right to control Afghan government assets at will.

Professor of International Relations at Kiri University in the United Kingdom-

"By effectively controlling 'global oil valves', the United States consolidates its strategic dominant position in the Middle East"

"Petroleum pricing is related to the US dollar hegemony" is the consensus of US policy makers. The United States maintains the hegemony of the "Petroleum of Petroleum" through overseas military operations. US investigation reporter Antonia Yhas pointed out that the Iraq war was a oil war. Before the Iraq war broke out in 2003, the domestic oil industry was completely nationalized and closed to Western oil companies. After the war, the Iraqi oil industry was privatized. Western petroleum companies can minimize oil in the large oil fields of Iraq and obtain huge profits.

Former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz once said that the war against Iraq is purely for oil, and the US policy is to plunder oil in the Gulf -region. The Broadcasting Corporation reported that the Bush administration formulated a plan to control Iraqi oil before the "September 11" incident. The former policy director of the British Think Tank New Economic Foundation said that in the past century, the United States and the United Kingdom left the confession, social turmoil, and environmental destruction in the world when they seemed to control the oil reserves of their share.

John Abrad, who served as commander of the Central Command of the United States during the Iraqi War, said that the Iraq war "of course related to oil, we cannot deny this." The European "Modern Diplomacy" website pointed out that if the Middle East countries want to get rid of the US dollar control, they must face war threats from the United States and its allies. "Think of Saddam Hussein's support in the United States in the Iraqi War. Later, when Iraq started to trade oil with the euro, it became the primary enemy."

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Green Pan wrote in his memoirs: "I regret that everyone knows that everyone knows that the Iraq war is mainly about oil." Grimpan also revealed that overthrowing the Saddam regime is to ensure the order of the world's oil market order order "Necessary conditions". American anthropologist Graber pointed out in the book "Debt": "U.S. decision makers resist any changes against the" US dollar "."

War caused great harm to Iraq. According to the World Bank statistics, after two Iraqi wars, the per capita GDP of Iraq fell from US $ 10,356 in 1990 to $ 4,157 in 2020. Although it was once one of the most important oil -producing countries in the world, Iraq has become a poor country in the Middle East due to war.

Brent Gowie, a professor of international relations in Kiri University in the United Kingdom, said that the Middle East oil is essential to maintain the global hegemony of the United States. "The United States consolidates its strategic leading position in the Middle East by effectively controlling 'global oil valve'. "

"People's Daily" (18th version of June 21, 2022)

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