Russia New News Agency: Rabies virus is the most fatal scientist found key protein structure to create its new version of its vaccine

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.06.22

China Well -off. June 20th. Old horse immunologists received clear images of glycoprotein for the first time.This protein plays a key role in the pathogenesis of rabies, which will help create a more effective vaccine to fight against fatal diseases. A study by American and French scientists is published in the magazine of Scientific Progress.

Rabies virus mortality is extremely high

Russian News Agency reports that rabies virus is one of the most dangerous viruses in the world.The mortality rate of clinical symptoms is 100 %.Each year, 59,000 people die from this disease, while about 40% of the infected people are children.

The main way to prevent infection is to vaccinate pets (mainly dogs), which will release viruses in 99%.However, there is an important disadvantage of existing drugs: they cannot provide lifetime protection.Pets need to be vaccinated every one to three years.

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