Belgian protesters are crowded with Brussels street: "Stop NATO"!

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.22

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] "Europe united behind Ukraine, but fatigue began to appear." The Washington Post stated on June 20 that although the leaders of the Three Kingdoms in France and Italy visited Kyiv last week, many European people have been right. Support Ukraine to feel fatigue.

"Prevent NATO." According to today's Russian TV report, 70,000 to 80,000 protesters shouted the slogan on the 20th local time, full of the streets of NATO and European Union headquarters, where the city is located pause. In June, Belgium's inflation rate reached 9%, a new high in 40 years. In addition to expressing anger for rising living costs, increasing wages and tax cuts, many protesters also condemned the US leadership of NATO to continue to provide military fire against Ukraine. It is reported that the protesters asked their government to "spend money on wages rather than weapons."

"Global Times" special reporters in Germany observed that many European media have recently been regarded as headlines of Russia and Ukraine's conflict news every day as before, and they don't even appear on the front page. On the 21st, the front page of the Austrian Newspaper was basically full by the topic of "Will Coal Come back". "Germany is experiencing 'tired moments'", Germany's "Focus" Weekly reported on the 15th that the focus of the Germans' attention now has shifted from the progress of Russia and Ukraine's military operations to this conflict: High fuel price.

According to the latest polls of the German polls Forsa, 3/4 Germans did not believe that the Ukraine would eventually win military victory. Two -thirds of the investigators believe that only through negotiations can the Russian -Ukraine military conflict be ended. The 4/5 survey believes that it is correct to continue talking to Putin.

The latest polls conducted by the European Foreign Relations Committee (ECFR) showed that there are serious differences in how Europeans should deal with Russian military operations on how to deal with Russian military operations. People in Italy, Germany, and Romania have more agreed to end hostile operations. 42% of the respondents believed that their government "spent too much time" on the conflict of Ukraine, and only 4% of the respondents said that the country's government "pays too little attention" about Ukraine. The Canadian left -wing magazine "Canada" said on the 20th that the economic crisis of western countries is constantly deepening -the possibility of high inflation and economic recession is getting greater- "like a hungry wolf screaming at the door", and the European public is no longer because of Seeing Ukrainian refugees and sentimental. " The Washington Post states that public opinion in Europe is changing, and the most difficult days may be "still ahead."

The EU will hold a summit from the 23rd to 24th to discuss the issue of the status of the EU candidates for Ukraine and Moldova. The "Fire Entering Alliance" plan in the context of this Russian -Ukraine conflict will inevitably cause fierce controversy within the European Union. The senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy Berrely said on the 20th of the prospects of the negotiations of the two countries' joining the league on the 20th: "Let's step by step."

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