Deepen BRICS cooperation to quench the "color" of bricks -contribute to the global development of the BRICS

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.22

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 21 (International Observation) Deepen the "color" of BRICS collaboration and quenching the brick -contribute to the global development of the BRICS

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Yifang

Since the opening in 2006, the cooperation between the BRICS countries has gone through 16 years. The advantages of the BRICS countries are complementary, the potential of cooperation has been tapped, and the fields of cooperation have been expanded, and they have become a model for the joint self -improvement of emerging markets and developing countries.

In the context of the current century epidemic, the resonance resonance, the evolution of the international structure, and the far -reaching of the world economic recovery, the BRICS countries have continuously deepened consensus, strengthened cooperation, and contributed to the "BRICS claims" to cope with global challenges. Brick power ".

BRICS cooperation accelerates forward

From the cooperation in the field of economic and political security to the "three -wheel drive" of economic and trade, financial and financial, political security, and humanistic exchanges, the BRICS countries step by step, and cooperation has continued to go deep into practice and develop into an international mechanism with important influence. As the chairman of the BRICS country this year, China proposes cooperation to comprehensively deepen the cooperation of economic and trade, fiscal and gold, innovation, digital economy, green development, poverty alleviation and other cooperation, and lay up the "BRICS Express" to accelerate global development. The field is continuously expanded, the levels are continuously deepened, and the results are accelerated.

The mutual benefit and win -win economic and trade cooperation is the strong internal vitality of the BRICS cooperation. Over the past 16 years, the total economic proportion of BRICS countries has increased, and the participation of international trade has increased significantly. BRICS countries promote the establishment of new development banks, emergency reserves arrangements, new industrial revolution partnerships, and scientific and technological innovation cooperation frameworks; formulate "BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025", and will be trade investment and finance, digital economy, sustainable, sustainable. Development is deemed to be a key cooperation field and outlines a clear roadmap for the economic and trade cooperation of the BRICS countries.

Senegal economist Idrisa Diandi said: "The BRICS countries occupy an important position in the global industrial chain. Through economic cooperation, these countries play an important role in the global economic recovery."

In terms of public health cooperation, the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center officially launched in March this year. The Five countries jointly proposed the "Strengthening the Cooperation of Vaccination and Building Anti -Echigraphy" initiative to deepen exchanges and cooperation in joint research and development and experimental, cooperative factories and other plants.

Beijing Kexingzhong Biological Technology Co., Ltd., which undertakes the construction tasks of the China Center for Vaccine Research and Development of the BRICS, said that China, Brazil, South Africa and other countries in the field of new crown vaccines have achieved important results. The China Center and Brazil's Butantan Institute launched the localized production cooperation of vaccine, creating a precedent for the lace with more than ten countries in China. As of December 2021, the China Center has provided Brazil with 62,000 liters of new crown vaccines, which is equivalent to 100 million finished products.

BRICS forces promote development

The population of BRICS five countries accounts for more than 40%of the global total population. In 2021, the total GDP of the Five countries accounted for about 23%of the total global economy. The macroeconomic stability of the BRICS countries plays an important role in achieving the recovery of the world economy and stability, and is an important force to promote global development.

Last year, China proposed the global development initiative to call on the international community to attach more importance to development issues, strengthen international development cooperation, and accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development AD. This year, China will "build a high -quality partnership and create a new era of global development" as the theme of the BRICS "China", and promote the BRICS cooperation mechanism to become a "accelerator" for global development.

Herman Lawrell, the founder of the Philippine BRICS National Policy Research Association, said that the BRICS ADC is consistent with the global development initiative to focus on the development of development issues. The indispensable force of doctrine.

Patricio Jostto, director of the Argentine Anta Research Center, said that under the epidemic, BRICS cooperation is more important for the world. Whether it is epidemic prevention or economic recovery, BRICS cooperation is an important way to promote the world out of the current dilemma. strength.

BRICS Five countries fully recognize the importance of agriculture and rural rejuvenation in development. China will be one of the focus of poverty reduction and food security this year, and is committed to strengthening agricultural cooperation in BRICS countries to promote the overall development of food security and rural areas.

Louis Paulino, an expert in China, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, said that under the promotion of China, the BRICS countries will explore the establishment of the rural development working group of the BRICS countries to promote the sustainable development of agricultural and rural areas of the five countries and help achieve the goal of eliminating poverty and zero hunger. This move is both "appropriate" and "time", and China's poverty alleviation method experience is worthy of the world's reference.

BRICS mechanism expands "color increase"

Five years ago, China proposed the "BRICS+" cooperation model to promote the establishment of a wider range of BRICS partnerships, so that more developing countries benefited from it and received positive responses from all parties. Expanding the "BRICS+" cooperation not only responds to the expectations of emerging markets and developing countries, but also helps to improve the representativeness and influence of the BRICS countries, and make greater contributions to the peaceful development of the world.

This year, the leaders of the BRICS countries and the leaders of emerging market countries and developing countries will jointly attend the global development high -level dialogue to strengthen strategic collaboration and make a "BRICS contribution" for the construction of a new era of global development partnerships.

Professor Dibero, a professor at the University of Khru, is very optimistic about the "BRICS+" cooperation and its positive significance to promoting global development, and believes that it helps to promote global governance to be more fair and reasonable.

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