The two parties of the United States Senate reached an agreement on gun control, and this weekend may usher in major legislation

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.22

Jimu Journalist Li Lili

Intern Yang Shaopeng

According to the Guardian reported on June 22, the two parties of the United States Senate reached an agreement on gun control legislation. If the bill is passed in the two houses of Congress, it will be the first important gun reform legislation in the United States in the past 30 years.

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and Republican Senator John Coron said that the final agreement has been reached on the details of the bill. The bill is expected to be finally passed before this weekend.

Senate Councilor Chris Murphy (Picture Source: Guardian)

It is reported that this is a small but significant improvement in the United States after several large -scale shooting incidents in the near future.

On the evening of June 21, local time, the legislators issued 80 pages. It is estimated that the cost of the implementation of this measure is about $ 15 billion, and Murphy, representative of the Democratic Party's chief negotiating, said the cost will be paid in full.

This framework content includes: a background investigation of the buyers of underage guns, and will also increase the punishment of smuggling of guns; providing the "Red Flag" bill for the capital promulgation of funds. Strengthen school safety and mental health projects to provide funds.

The bill also contains the clauses that resist domestic violence, including a partner who prohibits the crime of violent family violence but did not marry the victim.

It is reported that it has been 29 years since the US Congress's previous promulgation of a major gun control bill. In 1993, Congress announced that the use of attack guns was prohibited in the next ten years. So far, the latest bill of dealing with the violence of guns has been established by the legislators so far, and it has expired.

Murphy said: "In the past thirty years, the murder, suicide, and shooting cases have been neglected. This week, we finally have the opportunity to break the silence over the past 30 years. s life."

Last month, two appalling large -scale shooting cases occurred in New York State and Texas, USA, which was shocked, aroused domestic people's indignation, and even triggered a wave of violence against guns across the country.

People pray for the victims (source: Guardian)

The Senate seized this momentum, and the legislative agreement of the gun control was quickly supported by the two parties. Senate Democratic Party leader Chake Schumer said that Congress will immediately debate the measures and strive to pass as soon as possible.

It is reported that in the past 29 years, the reform of the American firearms has finally made progress. But the bill still lacks some more convincing measures.

These measures have always been Bayeng and Democrats who have tried to promote it over the years but have not succeeded. Almost all gun sales staff conducted background investigations.

These measures have been opposed by the Republican Party in the Senate.

For decades, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has been resisting the legislation of guns. NRA said: "This bill is defective at each level. It cannot really solve the problem of violent crimes. At the same time, the bill also hinders the freedom of the second amendment to the law -abiding gun owner."

There are currently 10 Republican Senators and 10 Democratic Senators to support the bill. According to the legislative threshold of "60 votes passed", at least 10 votes of Republicans are required for 50 votes for 50 votes.

Republican Senator John Corning was very determined this time: "I think there will be at least 10 Republican votes."

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