China East China Sea built gas field mining facilities, Japan's unreasonable protests, can not say three or four

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.06.22

Author: Battle Law Express

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 21, a reporter asked: Japan protested on the gas field mining facilities built by China in the East China Sea. what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue? Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded: China East China Sea oil and gas development activities are located in the unsuccessful Chinese jurisdiction, which is completely within the scope of Chinese sovereign rights and jurisdictions. The Japanese should not say three. According to the news on June 21st, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan released news on the 20th of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan that China has established a gas field mining facility in the Chinese area where China is "East China Sea -Japan Middle Line" (China does not recognize it). The Japanese side claimed that "although many protests, (China) still promoted unilateral development, it was extremely regrettable."

Regarding the East China Economic Exclusive Zone, China and Japan are controversial. At the time, China proposed to be developed by the dispute. Since 2008, it has launched related negotiations with Japan. However, because the Sino -Japanese Diaoyu Islands dispute has been forced to be interrupted in 2010, there are still fundamental differences in the division of the exclusive economic zone. Therefore, Japan's response is so strong, and it is constantly accusing China of being unilaterally changing the status quo of the East China Sea, calling on other countries to strengthen the maritime military cooperation with Japan to cope with China's "expansion" in the East China Sea. This is obviously adding a show to myself, slandering China by the way. Regarding the development of oil and gas in the East China Sea, the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still very crispy, that is, it is located in the waters of China's jurisdiction. It is our own business. This is both an attitude and a warning to Japan. Do not get in. The current behavior is in a strict sense of interference and provocations to the Chinese internal affairs.

And speaking of the development of the East China Sea oil and gas resources, Japan is the pioneer. It was regarded as the Chinese company's oil and gas resources in the development of the East China Sea regardless of the approval of the Chinese enterprise in 2005. Now that China has begun to work, it can't sit still, starting all kinds of so -called "protests". However, with the comprehensive national strength of China now, it is fully capable of protecting the safety of these gas field mining facilities. In addition to protesting it, it is helpless. This also illustrates from the side that in the face of maritime disputes, strength is the only criterion for deciding to belong. At that time, China did not have the strength to control the East China Sea, and even did not dare to minimize the East China Sea oil and gas resources. But now we can hold the East China Sea in their hands, and various facilities are immediately launched. After all, in China, we are naturally we are the master.

The situation of the Diaoyu Islands was the same. Although China has been vowing its sovereignty, the Diaoyu Islands have been under the control of Japan. Since the Japanese government's "buying islands" farce in 2012, China has strengthened control. Now China Maritime Police Ship is almost a normal cruise Diaoyu Islands. In fact, control has already been in China. It can be said that as the national defense forces are strong, some areas that are not within the scope of control are gradually being firmly controlled by China. China is no longer the country with "no sea". In fact, China did not intend to have contradictions with Japan on the East China Sea issue, because according to the natural extension of the continental shelf in Article 77 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the United Nations, the exclusive economic zone of the two parties should be based on the Okinawa Sea trough. The economic zone should belong to China.

This is not controversial, but Japan refused to recognize the Convention on the United Nations Marine Law. What the mid -line principle would like to use to use the East China Sea in half. In addition, Japan has been speculating in China's "East China Sea Expansion", "a huge threat on the sea", and even at the expense of colluding external forces to interfere with Asian affairs and lead the wolf into the room. This is never acceptable to China. Therefore, there is no need to be polite about such Japan, and the gas field mining facilities are done. The so -called "protest" in Japan has no legal basis in China. Facing Japan must be tough, this country is a typical country of "bullying and fear". The United States has taken it. So far, it is still being a "watch dog" to the United States as Asia. If you give it a good face and tolerate it everywhere, it will think that you are bullying, and you will continue to enter the foot, and finally swallow you. That's how it was to eat China step by step.

China has responded to diplomacy, and we still have to continue to advance in mining facilities. Slowly Japan is used to the existence of China in the East China Sea. As long as there are no problems in the seas of Japan that are claimed to have controversial, they must start their control step by step. If the actual control is one year, maybe Japan will protest from time to time, and the actual control is 10 years. That is the established facts, and Japan is estimated to accept the reality.

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