Eastern Afghanistan has killed more than a thousand people. The epicenter house is made of mud and natural materials.

Author:Mammoth video Time:2022.06.22

Elephant reporter Zhang Ziqi Yang Can

In the early morning of the 22nd local time, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in eastern Afghanistan. According to Afghanistan official Bakhtar News Agency, the number of deaths has exceeded 1,000 and more than 1,500 injuries. The Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu said that the embassy first learned about the situation from the local Chinese and overseas Chinese and Chinese -funded institutions.

Houses made of mud and other natural materials are easily damaged

"When the earthquake happened, I was afraid to come out in the toilet, and the chandelier was shaking." Mr. You, who lives in the capital of Afghanistan, said in an interview with elephant news that the capital was stronger and he lived on the 11th floor of a building. During the earthquake at night, he and his family quickly hid in the toilet. After the earthquake disappeared, his newly installed wooden door was shocked.

Mr. You operates jewelry business in Kabul. According to his description, the housing structure in the seizure area is relatively traditional. It is mainly made of mud mixed with other natural materials. The residents use these mud and wood to build a layer or two -story house with these muds and woods. Essence

According to CNN, Afghanistan disaster management authorities said that in the nearby Avoster province, 25 people died in Nangehar Province and were injured. Photos from Pacetia province from southern Avoster showed that the house became rubble, and only one or two walls still stood in the rubble, and the roof beams were broken.

Afghanistan resources management experts said that the earthquake coincides with monsoon storms in the area, which has caused many traditional houses made from mud and other natural materials, which are particularly vulnerable to damage. He added that the earthquake occurred late at night, and the depth of the 30km earthquake caused higher casualties.

The Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan said on Twitter that a team of medical staff and seven helicopters had been sent to the area to transport the wounded to nearby hospitals.

Earthquake in Afghanistan occurred more in 2015, a magnitude 7.8 strong earthquake occurred in 2015

According to the official measurement of the China Earthquake Network, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred at 4.54 on June 22 at 4:54 Afghanistan (32.95 degrees north latitude, 69.48 degrees east longitude), and the depth of the earthquake was 30 kilometers. Zhenyuan is located in the southwestern part of Avoshi Province, Afghanistan, near Pacetia. The capital Kabul also has a sense of shock. In addition, according to Pakistanian media reports, Pakistan, Islamabad and Rawars, have a sense of shock.

Afghanistan is an inland country in central and western Asia. It is located at the junction of the Asia -Europe sector and the Indian Ocean sector. There are many earthquakes. In January of this year, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake occurred in western Afghanistan, causing dozens of people to die. In the northeast of Afghanistan, the Xingdu Cushi Mountains, which are close to the Asia -Europe sector and the Indian Ocean sector. In October 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in this area, leading to major casualties in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan.

According to the official Afghanistan media Bachtar News Agency, the director of the police department of the Jani District Police Department of Pachetia said that the earthquake occurred late at night and many people died during sleep. Local officials said they were trying to find survivors from collapsed houses and tap the body of the dead.

On June 22, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. Some reporters asked the Chinese on humanitarian aid on the Afghanistan earthquake.

Wang Wenbin said that we expressed condolences to the victims of the Afghan earthquake and expressed condolences to the family members and wounded of the victims. Preliminary verification by the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan, there is currently no news of Chinese citizen casualties. Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor in China, and China is willing to provide emergency humanitarian assistance according to the needs of Afghanistan.

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