The US Constitution no longer protects female abortion rights UN official approval: a huge blow to women's human rights

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.06.25

The US Supreme Court overturned the "Luo Jie Weide" ruling, and the public held a demonstration outside the Supreme Court.

Overseas Network, June 25. According to the US Cable Television News Network, the Federal Supreme Court overthrew the jurisprudence of the "Luo Decade Case" that established an abortion right at the federal level on the 24th, which means that women's abortion rights will no longer be subject to the United States Constitution protection. Michelle Bachelet, a senior commissioner of Human Rights, criticized that the move "is a huge blow to women's human rights and gender equality."

Bachelet said in a statement that obtaining a safe, legal and effective abortion right is deeply rooted in the International Human Rights Law, but this decision by the Supreme Court of the United States deprives the autonomy of millions of women in the United States, especially for especially the US, especially the US Supreme Court. Women of low -income and ethnic minorities have caused their basic rights to be damaged. "In the past 25 years, more than 50 countries and regions have relaxed restrictions on abortion legislation. Unfortunately, this ruling on the 24th shows that the United States is deviating from this progress," Bachelet said.

According to US media reports, with the overthrow of the "Luo Jie Wade Case", more than 20 states in the United States are expected to prohibit or strictly restrict abortion. Among them, the abortion ban in 13 states will be overturned after the "Luo Jie Wade case" will be overturned. Effective immediately. (Overseas network Zhang Ni)

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