The G7 Summit opened, and the German people protested the "welcome" G7 leader

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.27

[Global Times special reporter in Germany Aoi Zhenxiang] On the 25th local time, nearly 4,000 protesters held demonstrations in Munich to "welcome" the upcoming G7 leaders in this way. On the 26th, the demonstration was held at the Summit's place and 100 kilometers away from Munich.

According to Germany, the demonstration on the 25th was organized by the World Wildlife Foundation and Green Peace Organization on the 25th. They originally wanted to mobilize 20,000 protesters to participate. These organizations have put forward a series of requirements, including gradually stopping the use of fossil fuels, protecting biodiversity, ensuring social fairness and justice, and increasing the action of eliminating hunger. According to the British Sky News Network, the demands of the demonstrators are different, but they have a unified theme, that is, when the G7 is the most severe problem facing the world, it cannot forget the health of the earth, and the well -being of the poorest.

Hong Kong's "South China Morning Post" reported that the demonstrators held slogans such as "Russia's Stop War", "The United States/NATO Holders from Ukraine" and "Empireism from here". They demand that G7 invests more funds to avoid crises, strengthen management of social conflicts, and promote economic development. The demonstrator Lisa Muz said: "Today I came to the G7 summit to protest again because we found that nothing has been improved ... It lasts too long, we have been destroying ourselves." The German branch of Le Shi issued a statement saying that : "A variety of demonstrations clearly explain that many people strongly look forward to the G7 completely changing the policy."

Demonstrations are greatly accompanied by the entire summit. The Dutong News Agency reported on the 26th that at 1 pm on the same day, the protesters continued to demonstrate in the small town of Gamita Pattenki until the evening. The "South German will" said that the protesters also set up a tent camp, which can be camped by about 750 people. A protesters who planned to continue to participate in the demonstration during the G7 summit said, "I do this because of the poor political and opaque political."

Nine people were arrested on the 25th, and German Minister of Internal Affairs Fisen called for protesters not to take violence. According to the German "Daily Mirror" report, for this summit, the German government deployed about 18,000 police officers around Munich and Gamita-Pattenkixie Town, with a conference cost of 170 million euros.

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