General Russia warned: If Lithuania blocked the Russian flying ground, Russia bombed London first

Author:UTV Bingjian Time:2022.06.27

Although the European Union has stated that the original intention of sanctioning Russia is not to block Kalinenrad, Lithuania continues to provoke and refuses to lift the blockade of Russia. This move has triggered concerns about Lithuania at home and abroad, because the radical actions of the Lithuanian authorities may lead to military blows in Russia, and the consequences will be very serious.

For Lithuanians, whether it is NATO help or help, Lithuania will be severely hit, because Lithuania is too small, and the population is less than 3 million. He was pushed flat. If the world war is triggered, Lithuania is difficult to escape the destroyed fate as a "chessboard".

However, Russia seems to have another plan. Russian politicians said that if the world war broke out, the first goal of Russia was London.

According to British media reports, General Gulu Lov, Vice Chairman of the Russian Federal Federal State, said that once World War broke out, the Russian army would destroy the space satellite group, and then clearly know the NATO's air defense missile system, and then take a crackdown to crack down on it. The first goal is not Poland or Germany or France, but Britain. The Russian army will first cast bombs into London.

The reason why Guruv gave to Britain first was that the Angsa people threatened the world.

Looking at Europe, the country with the largest hostility to Russia is indeed Britain. Although the flow of Lithuania jumped high, it could not enter the eyes of Russia. If you tear up his face and fight, Lithuania's treatment of "enjoying" the first beating is really not enough.

The matter of Lithuania has nothing to do with Britain. Britain is no longer a member of the European Union. Lithuania said that the blockade measured by the EU's sanctions can not be discussed in the UK. What does this mean?

First of all, the United Kingdom and Lithuania belong to NATO member states. Other European countries do not support Lithuania to provoke Russia because they are unwilling to get involved in the war. If Lithuania is beaten, do they help or do they do not help?

But Britain is not the same. Britain now plays the role of the United States to watch Europe. Britain will not mind that things are troublesome, anyway, it is far from Russia. Therefore, Britain may be the only country in Europe that will strongly support Lithuania's provocation.

Secondly, during the Russian and Ukraine conflict, Britain performed extremely radical, and it was better than the United States. British Prime Minister Johnson had to "defeat" Russia when he opened his mouth and closed his mouth. In view of its hostility to Russia and doing things for the United States, Russia does have reason to take the lead in cleaning up Britain.

The current situation is impossible to say that there is no risk of world wars. Western provocation has been upgraded, stimulating Russia again and again, and Ukraine conflicts are still not over. In such a complicated background, NATO and Russia's possibility of wiping guns are not small.

As a country, most European countries must not want the situation to deteriorate to this point. The first two world wars have caused a huge impact on Europe. If there is another World War in Europe, the development of so many years will be destroyed. Essence Fortunately, if you lose, but if you lose, it will be extremely difficult to resume Dongshan.

It should also be noted that it is no longer better than that year. Now there are nuclear weapons, and NATO's opponents, one of the world's best nuclear powers.

Not long after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, Russia's strategic weapons have been erected. It is really hard to say that it is to tear up their faces and what bomb it is lost in London. At the beginning of World War II, Churchill was worried that London would be hit by the German army. Later, he was worried that it became a reality, making London one of the worst bombs in World War II.

Now the Russian weapon library is much richer than the German weapon library of that year, and it is much more powerful, and it can even easily erase London from the earth. Therefore, the threat of the Russian general is not completely scaring Britain, and Russia has the ability to fulfill this threat.


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