When the energy crisis is coming, environmental protection must stand side by side?Foreign media criticize the G7 summit and take the "old road" of energy

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.27

Jimu Journalist Sun Yan

According to the "Guardian", on June 26, local time, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit, which was the chairman of the rotating chairman, opened at the country's Bavaria.

The report pointed out that due to the influence of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, European society was "deeper and deeper" in the energy crisis. Last week, Germany not only announced that the natural gas emergency plan entered the second -level alert, but also intended to re -enable the coal -fired power plant. '. "

Germany intends to re -enable the coal -fired power plant

European countries take energy "old roads"

According to CNN, on June 23, local time, Robert Habeck, Vice Prime Minister of Germany and Minister of Economic and Climate Protection, announced at a press conference held by Berlin that Germany's second stage of entering the natural gas emergency plan, that is, the "alert stage" Essence

"From now on, Germany has to deal with the problem of shortage of natural gas supply." Habeck told reporters at a press conference, "We are in a natural gas crisis."

At the end of March this year, Germany announced the natural gas emergency plan, which can be divided into three stages: the first stage is the "early warning stage". Suppliers can still adopt market means to ensure supply, but operators need to report to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs once a day; the second stage is the "alert stage", and natural gas should be used to reserve instead of power generation; the third stage is " In the emergency stage, the state will directly intervene and reduce the supply of industries with lower priority to ensure the gas supply of key institutions such as ordinary families and hospitals.

On June 26, local time, Shuorz (middle) is speaking

It is worth noting that Germany only took three months from the announcement of the "early warning stage" to entering the "alert stage".

According to Canadian TV news on the 25th, several European countries including Germany are intending to re -enable coal -fired power plants to ensure natural gas supply this winter, although this may pose a threat to the environment.

Chris Bataya, a researcher at the Global Energy Policy Center of Columbia University, believes that although the development of German development, promoting energy green transformation has become a very important part, "but now it must ensure that sufficient natural gas guarantees the heating of residents."

"As far as the G7 summit is concerned, the wheels of history have been turned around. In 1975, the first summit was held in Paris. At that time, in order to get out of the economic recession caused by the" petroleum crisis " They are facing similar problems again, "the Guardian said.

German Parade protest

According to Reuters, following nearly 4,000 protesters held a demonstration in Munich, Germany on the 25th, requiring the G7 leader to take action to deal with climate change, and on June 26, local time, the demonstration event continued near the summit venue.

It is reported that on the same day, hundreds of protesters were demonstrated in the Town of Gami Pattenki, Bavaria, Bavaria, southern Germany, and seven of them wearing G7 leader masks and standing beside the earth model roasted by the fire. Holding the beer glass, and some people holding a banner, saying "Stop Burning Our Planet" on it.

The protesters held demonstrations near the summit venue

"I came here to participate in the protests today for climate justice. In order to get the correct decision, so that I have the future." A protesters named Teresa Snooker said.

"Seven governments from different countries discussed various issues here, but we saw before that the results they talked were not always conducive to the entire world." Another protesters said.

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