European Parliament Member: NATO is the "number of threats" of world peace, which is promoting the European Union to fight against China and Russia.

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.28

According to Tas News Agency on the 27th, a French member of the European Parliament said on Monday that NATO is the "number of threats" of world peace, because the US -led military group is promoting the EU to fight against Russia or China, and tries to force Zhongli to be in this game by this game. Fighting the selection side team to destroy the "buffer".

The European Parliament Security and Defense Committee (SEDE) member Herve Juvin was interviewed before the NATO Summit said: "Because of the extensive publicity activities of NATO, this (French president) Macron was described as' brain death. 'Organization is becoming a global institution from a cross -Atlantic alliance, which becomes more and more obvious. "

Juventus believes that NATO regards the EU as its "registration office of member states" and under the guidance of this logic, it puts increasing pressure on Georgia, Armenia, and Ukraine. Politicia or humanitarianism has never become part of Europe. " In addition, NATO also put pressure on Bosnia, Montenegro, Northern Malaysia and Kosovo, in order to allow them to join the US -led military group.

NATO flag map source: visual China

"This is a dangerous approach because it eliminates the entire security space, which was originally a buffer that a large country provided in exchange for security. NATO is the number one threat of world peace, because it is being enclosed in Russia, and is preparing to be encirclement. China. The European Union bowed to NATO, and in fact, NATO served the British and American interests, which was completely inconsistent with the European (interest). Shocking ignorance. "

The European Parliament compared the current security situation with the Cuban missile crisis of the United States deployed medium -range missiles in Turkey and the former Soviet Union's deployment of the army in Cuba. However, he pointed out that it was "diplomatic occupation of the wind" at the time, and the United States and the Soviet Union realized the common concern in the security field. He added that under the current circumstances, Washington should consider the concerns of Moscow, withdrawing medium -range missiles from Poland and Romania, and closing the biological laboratory and chemical weapon research centers located on the Russian border.

Juventus said: "However, the American diplomacy of other great powers once fell into the hands of a group of new conservatives. They dreamed that they would defeat the enemy in a certain biblical story. The key danger comes from ignoring reality - This is the characteristics of the United States and even European politics today. In foreign politics, nothing is more dangerous than dividing people simply into good people and bad people. "

(Edit: ZLQ)

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