Ten years later, the United States could not abandon the United States?Come to Mexico!"Cross -border abortion network" quietly emerged

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.06.28

Before the U.S. Supreme Court made a decision to overthrow the "Robe's Vender Case" case, Mexican women have regarded this northern neighbor as an "oasis" for many years. In September last year, the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled that abortion was legal. However, nine months later, many states in the United States issued an abortion ban.

It is reported that some Mexican women's rights and interest activities are currently helping American women to obtain abortion drugs, or provides "shelter" for American women who seek abortion cross -border southward.

↑ In March 2020, women in the border city of Mexico protested by the government's abortion ban

The demand for "remote abortion" in American women has risen before the ruling

In 2012, Licha went to the United States from Tivner, a northwestern border city in Mexico to undergo abortion surgery. The journey was difficult and painful and anxious. "The 40 -minute trip feels like a few hours after a few hours. I think about a lot of shame and false information about shame and false information alone." Licola recalled. At the time of abortion, it was still illegal in Mexico and was severely stigmatized. It was far behind its northern neighbors in the attitude towards abortion and the way to obtain abortion.

But ten years later, the rights of women between the two countries on abortion "reversed". In September last year, the Supreme Court of Mexico determined that women were violated by law for abortion. This milestone ruling paved the way for the country's abortion to comprehensively legalize the abortion. Less than a year later, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the abortion rights protected by the Constitution for nearly half a century have begun to start the procedure of prohibiting abortion laws in accordance with the ruling.

Since the draft disclosure of this ruling in mid -May, the Mexican women's rights activity organization has begun to help American women get abortion drugs. Among them, Sanchez, the person in charge of the LAS Libres organization, said that before the ruling, the number of American women who needed remote drug abortion help increased. Cardina, the person in charge of another organization Red Necessito Abortar, said that a few days before the announcement, she had organized three abortion drugs for transportation.

↑ Mexico's non -profit organization also allows members to bring drugs to the United States to distribute

According to Cardina, most American women seeking abortion find Mexico's activities through social media, including obtaining abortion drugs, guidance of remote drug use, and nursing service training. Due to the common termination of pregnancy drugs, one of the meterol is the over -the -counter drug in Mexico. In addition to providing transnational drug mailing services, the members of these organizations will also allow members to carry the drugs across the US -Mexico border for distribution. Cardina said that most of the people who had previously asked for help came from Texas, but their location and experience became more and more "all -round."

"There are all kinds of women (contact us)." Cardona told the media, "There are young people, immigrants women, and women who do not speak Spanish. It is important that they can not be stigmatized. Obtain drugs and information under the circumstances. "Cardina added that before and after the announcement of the 24th, many netizens sought to provide volunteer services for their organization." Many women from the United States wrote to me, and they told me to provide me to provide it. Support, abortion drugs or transport drugs. "

Mexico's "cross -border abortion network" may become a "refuge" for American women

In addition to abortion drugs, Mexico, a "cross -border abortion network", also provides free abortion medical services. In 2016, Cardina established a "La Aborteria" on the second floor of the house in Montere, Northeast Mexico, which was originally aimed at helping Mexican women to conduct a drug abortion. Recently, more and more Women of Texas have sought "abortion as" to them. Cardina said that one or two women in the state may be received each year before the ruling, but the current week will help five women to conduct drug and abortion.

↑ "La Aborteria" set up by Cardina "

According to the Gutmach Institute, 26 states will strictly restrict abortion in the United States, which will affect 36 million nursery women. The abortion ban will force many women to "travel long distances" to other states and even other countries to receive abortion medical services. In addition to Cardina, there are about 30 organizations across Mexico to provide abortion care services. They are cooperating to establish a "cross -border abortion nursing network" to meet the increasing demand for abortion in the United States, including the state.

Organizations that also join this cross -border abortion network also include LAS Libres and Colectiva Bloodys, which is responsible for lira.据Las Libres负责人桑切斯透露称:“从1月到5月,我们已经协助200名妇女越过边境,并运送了1000套堕胎药物。我们没想到会有这么高的需求。”桑切斯补充说,其中Including Latin women and non -Latin -spells, "Most people ask for help for economic reasons." According to Cardina, the 17 volunteers in her organization plans to help 50 to 160 women per month and for her Provide free abortion care services.

According to reports, the cross -border abortion network in Mexico has attracted the attention of US members and Mexican officials. "From historical experience, women who have unexpected pregnancy will still seek abortion and care, even if they will violate the risk of law and risk health." The facilities of non -profit organization, she said at the time: "I definitely hope that we can continue to let women in Texas go to Mexico. Seeing people open their houses, open their hearts, spend time and energy to help American women get medical services, this is very touching. "↑ One of the common termination of pregnancy drugs, one of the meterol, one of the meterol in Mexico is a non -prescription drug

After the U.S. Supreme Court overthrowing the "Luo Jeremony Wade Case" ruling, the Mexican Capital Mexico authorities promised to support women from the United States and provide them with abortion medical care. For a country that once acknowledged these rights, (this ruling) is a real retrogression, which is really sad and indignant. We will be ready to help (American women) at any time. "According to her, in the city, the city 2007 Since the legalization of abortion, nearly 250,000 abortion women have Latin American immigrants.

Israel relaxes abortion regulations and responds to the "sad ruling" of the Supreme Law of the United States

According to reference news network reports, the decision to overthrow the "Luo Jeremy Wade Case" has "divided one division into two" in the United States, including the state that is illegal to abortion and the state that believes that abortion is legal. At least 13 states have ready -made legal provisions, which can be immediately prohibited from abortion or soon issued an abortion ban. These states have announced that it is illegal to terminate pregnancy for pregnant women to terminate pregnancy. US Minister of Justice Merrick Galan said on the 24th that the Ministry of Justice will be protected by women who go to the abortion from the abortion ban to the abortion.

It is reported that Israel announced the relaxation of abortion regulations on the 27th local time in response to the judgment of the US Supreme Court last week. According to the latest approval, Israel allows women to obtain abortion drugs through the country's national medical system and cancel a long -term requirements for women to testify in the special committee before obtaining pregnancy. This means that Israeli women can obtain abortion drugs at local clinics, and the form of termination of pregnancy will also be shortened and simplified.

On the same day, Israeli Health Minister Nizan Hollowz attacked the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States. "The decision of the United States allows women's rights to retreat." Hollowz said, "Women have the right to their bodies, and the US Federal Supreme Court rejected the right to choose their bodies. Make the leaders of the freedom and freedom retreat for a hundred years. "

While criticizing the United States, Hollowz pointed out that the advantage of the country's new regulations is that "use more simple, more respectful, and more advanced procedures to safeguard women's right to decide on their bodies." It is reported that for many years, over the years, for many years The "Abortion Approval Committee" has been criticized in Israel. Although most abortion applications have been approved, women are opposed to this "humiliation and aggressive approval procedure" and long waiting time. According to new regulations, this process will be "digital" and no longer for mandatory approval in person. It is reported that this new provision will take effect within 3 months.

Red Star News reporter Hu Yiling

Edit Zhang Xun

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