EU banned fuel vehicles in 2035, and countries can only register new carbon dioxide emissions new cars

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.30

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] After more than 16 hours of negotiations, the Energy and Environment Minister of 27 EU member states reached an agreement on the 29th. Since 2035, the EU countries can only register a new car carbon dioxide discharge.

According to the DUST News Agency on the 29th, the decision of the EU 27 countries means that since 2035, the EU countries will no longer sell internal combustion models. Next, the proposal needs to be discussed with the European Council and the European Parliament to determine the rules. The European Parliament has previously voted to support the "New fuel vehicle" plan for the "Banning for Sale of New fuel in 2035".

It is reported that countries such as Italy and Slovakia originally wanted to extend the period for the sale of new fuel vehicles to 2040, but these countries finally chose to support German compromise solutions and retain their goals in 2035. The above -mentioned EU National Ministers' Meeting also agreed to give a 5 -year exemption to automakers who are "niche markets" (annual output less than 10,000 vehicles). Agence France -Presse said that this clause was called "Ferrari Amendment" by some people, which is conducive to luxury brand cars. In addition, EU officials also agreed to set up a 59 billion euro EU fund to protect low -income citizens from 2027 to 2032 without having to pay high costs for reducing carbon reduction. (Aoki)

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