Zhao Lijian: The United States is a master ...

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.01

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July 1st. He said at the meeting that the United States was indeed a master of playing with false information. They are accustomed to using public opinion machines and discourse hegemony, distorting the truth, covering up evil deeds, and evading crimes.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.

A few days ago, the United States representatives stated at the 50th meeting of the Human Rights Council that false information was a dangerous, fast, and low -cost means in destroying social stability, spreading chaos, and shaking public confidence. In this regard, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded on the 1st, "When it comes to false information, American representatives are indeed very experienced, because the United States is indeed a master who play with false information. Cover the evil deeds and avoid the crime. "

Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference held on the day that taking the Iraq war as an example, the United States used a bottle of false information of laundry powder to provoke the Iraq war that has been 8 years, causing more than 200,000 civilians to die. The United States promotes the world through monopoly media faith, and the US military's actions are clean and responsible. In 2009, the editor -in -chief of the Associated Press, the editor -in -chief of the Associated Press, had criticized the US government to expand the Pentagon as a "global propaganda machine", while the military high -level threatened Cori. wipe out.

He said that the U.S. military invented a set of American talk in order to cover up the crime of war. They regard civilian casualties as damage, murder the murder as a key action, torture torture as an interrogation method, and the killing civilians as the consumption of enemies. In addition, the United States implements targeted suppression and manipulates war narrative. Taking the Kosovo war as an example, in order to prevent the southern alliance news media from clarifying the truth to the world, the NATO brutal bombing the South League Radio and Television Building caused dozens of journalists and civilian casualties. In March of this year, the Serbian people pulled up a giant banner in the Europa League, counting the American media that the United States NATO launched the war in the United States has rarely reported to such a spectacular scene.

"It's really impossible, it can't be fake." Zhao Lijian said, no matter how the United States makes color, apply fat and apply powder, and how to pack themselves into justice incarnation and superhero, the United States cannot cover up their dual standards and hypocritical hegemonic faces that they trampled on justice, I believe More and more people will see the true face of the United States.

Global Times-Global Network Bai Yunyi

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